Working with Developers – Codeable Build with heart Mon, 30 Oct 2023 15:12:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Working with Developers – Codeable 32 32 Is Laravel the Right PHP Framework for Your WordPress Website? Mon, 30 Oct 2023 15:12:07 +0000 As a WordPress site owner, you’re likely familiar with the vast universe of plugins and themes that can enhance your website’s functionality and aesthetics. Yet, as your ambitions expand, as the demands on your website’s performance and functionality grow, you might find yourself yearning for something more, something that can elevate your digital presence to […]

The post Is Laravel the Right PHP Framework for Your WordPress Website? appeared first on Codeable.

As a WordPress site owner, you’re likely familiar with the vast universe of plugins and themes that can enhance your website’s functionality and aesthetics. Yet, as your ambitions expand, as the demands on your website’s performance and functionality grow, you might find yourself yearning for something more, something that can elevate your digital presence to new heights.

Enter PHP frameworks – the key to unlocking a new realm of possibilities for your WordPress website. However, with great potential comes great responsibility, and choosing the right path for your digital journey is no simple task.

One specific PHP framework that has been making waves in the world of web development is Laravel. In this article, we will delve deep into the very essence of why PHP frameworks have become the secret weapons of the web development elite. We will also unveil the captivating reasons that make Laravel a prime contender for enhancing your WordPress site.

Without further ado, let’s venture into the transformative force you might’ve been searching for to elevate your online presence: the fusion of WordPress and Laravel!

Why integrate your WordPress website with a PHP framework?

At its core, a PHP framework is a meticulously crafted collection of reusable, pre-written code  – in the form of libraries and tools – that helps developers build web applications using the PHP programming language. 

Its primary purpose is to simplify and expedite the web development process, allowing developers to build robust web applications with efficiency and maintainability. That’s because it provides a structured and organized way to develop web applications by offering reusable code components, architectural patterns, and best practices.

The joint capabilities of WordPress’ content management and a PHP framework’s development power and flexibility can offer your site remarkable benefits, such as:

Customization and unique functionality

Using a PHP framework like Laravel empowers you to extend your WordPress website far beyond its standard features. You gain the ability to craft custom functionalities, modules, and components tailored precisely to your business’s unique needs. It also enables you to offer an unparalleled user experience.

Enhanced performance and scalability

PHP frameworks come armed with an arsenal of performance optimization features, including caching mechanisms, database query optimization, and robust queuing systems. 

Furthermore, Laravel’s scalability ensures that your website can gracefully handle increased traffic and accommodate future growth.

Streamlined business processes

Many PHP schemas follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and offer a suite of powerful tools for developing intricate business logic and workflows. 

This translates to the ability to automate and streamline your business processes, be it order management, customer interactions, inventory tracking, or more.

Integration with external systems

Laravel, especially, is renowned for its robust support in building Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). 

This makes it considerably easier to integrate your WordPress website with external systems and services like payment gateways, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, email marketing platforms, and various other third-party tools that are instrumental to your business operations.

Future-proofing and flexibility

Integrating your WordPress site with a PHP scaffold forms an architecture that’s modular and extensible. It consists of reusable components and modules, ensuring flexibility for adaptation and evolution. 

This can empower you to continue adding new features, integrating emerging technologies, and harnessing ongoing PHP web development advancements.

Now, the question still remains: what PHP framework in particular is the ideal choice for your unique WordPress development needs?

Let’s explore the options in the next section.

Do all PHP frameworks offer the same functionality?

Now that we’ve established the advantages of incorporating a PHP framework with WordPress, it’s essential to recognize that not all PHP frameworks are created equal. 

Each framework comes with its own unique set of features, architecture, community support, and development philosophy. These differences mean that the framework you choose can significantly impact your web development endeavor. 


The Laravel PHP framework.

Laravel has gained immense popularity for its elegant and expressive syntax, making it a top choice for modern web application development. Some of its standout features include:

  • Expressive Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) – Eloquent: Laravel’s Eloquent ORM allows developers to work with databases using intuitive, object-oriented syntax. It simplifies database operations, making it easier to interact with database tables and records.
  • Powerful routing system: Laravel boasts a robust routing system that simplifies the creation of clean, user-friendly URLs. Developers can define routes and link them to controllers effortlessly, enhancing the organization of application logic.
  • Rich ecosystem: This ecosystem includes a wide range of packages and extensions, known as “Laravel packages”, that cover various functionalities, such as authentication, payment processing, and more, reducing the need for reinventing the wheel.
Laravel’s ecosystem.
  • Blade templating engine: Blade is Laravel’s templating engine, known for its simplicity and power. It allows developers to create reusable templates and includes features like template inheritance and control structures for dynamic content rendering.
  • Excellent documentation: Laravel is praised for its comprehensive and well-maintained documentation. It’s a valuable resource for both newcomers and experienced developers, offering clear explanations and code samples.
  • Artisan CLI: The Artisan command-line tool simplifies common development tasks, such as database migrations, seeding databases with test data, and generating boilerplate code for controllers and models.
  • Community support: Laravel has a vibrant and active community, contributing to its continuous improvement and ensuring access to a wealth of resources, tutorials, and plugins.

This framework’s emphasis on developer productivity makes it well-suited for projects ranging from small-scale applications to large and complex web solutions.


The Symfony PHP framework.

Symfony is known for its mature and reliable foundation, focusing on modularity and reusability. Key features and characteristics of Symfony include:

  • Modular component system: Symfony is built on a set of reusable and independent components. This modular architecture allows developers to pick and choose specific components as needed, making it highly adaptable to various project requirements.
  • Flexibility: This PHP development medium doesn’t impose strict development patterns, enabling developers to structure their applications according to their preferences while adhering to best practices.
  • Robust security: Symfony is renowned for its emphasis on security. It provides built-in security features and follows security best practices, making it a safe choice for applications that handle sensitive data.
  • Extensive documentation: The documentation includes essential information, detailed guides, tutorials, and API references. It is invaluable for developers looking to harness the full potential of Symfony’s components.
  • Large community: Symfony boasts a sizable and active community of developers and contributors. This community-driven approach ensures ongoing support, updates, and a wealth of resources.

This PHP framework’s versatility and focus on reusable components make it suitable for projects of any size, from small applications to large-scale enterprise solutions.


The CodeIgniter PHP framework.

CodeIgniter is celebrated for its simplicity, lightweight nature, and rapid development capabilities. Its key attributes include:

  • Small footprint: CodeIgniter maintains a small and efficient footprint, making it a great choice for projects where resource efficiency is essential.
  • Minimal configuration: Unlike some other PHP frameworks, CodeIgniter requires minimal configuration. Developers can start coding quickly without spending time on complex setup procedures.
  • Ease of use: Designed to be beginner-friendly, CodeIgniter provides clear and straightforward documentation and follows the MVC pattern, simplifying code organization.
  • Active community: While not as large as some other frameworks, CodeIgniter has a dedicated and supportive community. Developers can find forums, tutorials, and plugins to assist with their projects.

CodeIgniter is an excellent option for smaller web applications or for developers who prefer a lightweight framework with a gentle learning curve.


The CakePHP PHP framework.

CakePHP focuses on convention over configuration and aims to streamline development. Its notable features include:

  • Conventional coding: CakePHP encourages developers to follow conventions, reducing the need for extensive configuration. This promotes consistency and accelerates development.
  • Database ORM: CakePHP includes a robust Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool that simplifies database interactions. It allows developers to work with databases using PHP classes and methods.
  • Scaffolding: This attribute of CakePHP generates code for basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, helping developers get started quickly.
  • Validation: This framework includes built-in validation features that make it easier to ensure data integrity and security.
  • Simple and elegant coding style: CakePHP promotes a clean and elegant coding style that is easy to read and maintain.

CakePHP’s emphasis on convention, simplicity, and structured development makes it an attractive choice for developers who prefer a straightforward and organized approach to coding.

Zend (now Laminas)

The Laminas PHP framework.

Zend, now known as Laminas, is renowned for its flexibility, modularity, and adherence to industry standards. Its noteworthy characteristics include:

  • Modular architecture: Laminas is built on a modular architecture, allowing developers to use specific components independently. This modularity promotes code reusability and flexibility.
  • Enterprise-grade features: Laminas is well-suited for building complex, enterprise-level applications. It includes features such as robust security components, authentication, and authorization.
  • Adherence to standards: This continuation project of Zend emphasizes adherence to industry standards, ensuring compatibility with other libraries and frameworks.
  • Extensible: Developers can extend Laminas by creating custom modules and components, tailoring the framework to their specific project requirements.
  • Community and support: Laminas benefits from a strong community of developers and offers comprehensive documentation and tutorials.

Laminas is an excellent choice for projects that require a high degree of customization and scalability, especially in enterprise and large-scale application development.

When choosing the right framework for your WordPress website, it’s essential to consider your specific needs, project size, and development preferences.

Why choose Laravel as your PHP framework for WordPress?

If you’re not a technical WordPress user, the idea of selecting the right PHP framework for your WordPress website may seem daunting. It involves understanding why and when Laravel, in particular, could be the best choice. However, at its core, this decision hinges on one fundamental question: which PHP framework will enable you to achieve your desired functionality with the utmost ease for developers?

Here are compelling reasons why developers often recommend Laravel over other PHP frameworks for WordPress integration:

Elegant syntax and developer experience

Laravel emphasizes developer experience and code readability. Its elegant and expressive syntax is a testament to this philosophy. By prioritizing clean and organized code, Laravel makes development not only efficient but also enjoyable. 

The result? A reduced learning curve for new developers who can quickly become productive members of your team.

Rich MVC architecture

Laravel adheres to the model-view-controller architectural pattern, a hallmark of modern web application development. This pattern promotes the separation of concerns, ensuring that logic, presentation, and data layers remain distinct entities. 

Such clear separation enhances code maintainability, scalability, and testability. In practice, this means easier development, efficient testing, and seamless future updates.

Fluent query builder with Eloquent ORM

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM stands out as a potent and intuitive database abstraction layer. It simplifies database operations by allowing developers to interact with database records as objects. 

What’s more, Eloquent offers an expressive syntax for querying data, making database interactions more human-readable and developer-friendly. With support for various database systems and features like eager loading, relationships, and query caching, Eloquent empowers developers to work efficiently with data.

Powerful feature set

Aside from the previously mentioned key attributes, Laravel comes equipped with even more built-in features and packages. These include:

  • Robust routing: Laravel offers a powerful routing system that simplifies URL handling and route definition.
  • Middleware support: Middleware allows developers to filter HTTP requests entering your application. It’s invaluable for tasks like authentication, logging, and more.
  • Authentication and authorization: Laravel simplifies user authentication and authorization with built-in mechanisms, helping you secure your application effortlessly.
  • Queuing system: Laravel supports a queuing system that enables background processing of tasks, enhancing application responsiveness and scalability.
  • Caching: Laravel offers caching support, helping to improve application performance by storing frequently used data in memory.
  • Command-line precision: Whether you need to generate code skeletons, run database migrations, manage schema changes, or create custom commands, Laravel’s Artisan command-line tool simplifies these common development chores, boosting productivity and reducing the potential for errors.
  • Tools for server management: Laravel Forge simplifies server management, while Laravel Vapor offers serverless deployment options.

These characteristics, among many others, empower you to build scalable and secure web applications efficiently.

But if you’re still uncertain about which PHP framework best aligns with your website’s requirements, consider consulting with an experienced developer, such as one of our Codeable experts. 

Our marketplace connects you with a vast pool of over 700 WordPress and WooCommerce experts, ensuring you’ll be matched with the right developer for your integration project. 

Is integrating WordPress with Laravel challenging?

Integrating Laravel with WordPress can indeed be a bit complicated due to architectural and conceptual differences between WordPress and Laravel. Let’s unpack this.

  • When integrating Laravel with WordPress, you may need to map the existing WordPress database tables to Laravel’s Eloquent models or establish a connection to the WordPress database directly. This ensures that the two systems can interact seamlessly, with data consistency and integrity.
  • Developers need to find a way to ensure a consistent user experience across both systems, making the transition between Laravel and WordPress elements smooth and visually cohesive. 
  • Laravel has its own authentication mechanisms, which may differ from the user management system in WordPress. When integrating the two, developers might need to create custom logic to synchronize user data and manage authentication between Laravel and WordPress. This ensures that users can seamlessly interact with different parts of your website without having to repeatedly log in.
  • Laravel has its own routing system, which may conflict with the existing routing structure in WordPress. Ensuring that both systems coexist peacefully and that URLs resolve correctly requires thoughtful routing configuration and possibly some custom routing logic.

The good news is that these integration challenges shouldn’t deter you from harnessing the combined power of Laravel and WordPress!

Experienced developers, such as those available through our Codeable network of Laravel experts, are well-versed in addressing these issues and can seamlessly integrate Laravel with your WordPress website.

Our Laravel developers possess the knowledge and expertise to ensure a smooth and effective integration. They employ various techniques and best practices, such as:

  • Using Composer: Laravel and WordPress can coexist within the same project thanks to Composer, a popular PHP dependency management tool. Developers can leverage Composer to manage the dependencies of both systems and ensure compatibility.
  • Utilizing Laravel packages: Laravel offers a vast ecosystem of packages that can simplify integration with WordPress. These packages address common integration challenges and provide solutions for seamless coexistence.
  • Creating custom Laravel APIs: Our expert developers can build custom APIs in Laravel that enable communication between WordPress and Laravel. This approach allows for efficient data sharing and interaction between the two systems.
  • Implement a headless CMS approach: Some projects opt for a “headless CMS” approach, where Laravel serves as the backend, handling data, logic, and API interactions, while WordPress focuses solely on content management and presentation. This approach provides maximum flexibility and control.

If you’re eager to dive deeper into the realm of integrating WordPress with Laravel and explore common applications for this integration, check out our full guide to Laravel and WordPress. It’ll provide you with invaluable insights into the intricacies of combining these two powerful platforms to create robust and dynamic web solutions.

By partnering with Codeable, you can harness the full potential of both Laravel and WordPress, resulting in a website that excels in functionality, performance, and user experience.

Get Codeable to handle your Laravel integration project today

When it comes to integrating PHP frameworks with WordPress, you have numerous options to choose from. However, if you find yourself unsure about which framework aligns best with your requirements, consulting with experts can provide invaluable guidance.

At Codeable, we understand that making the right choice for your integration project is essential. Our network of highly experienced developers specializes in a wide range of PHP frameworks, including Laravel. They possess the knowledge and skills to seamlessly integrate Laravel with WordPress, ensuring that your website meets your functional, performance, and user experience objectives.

So don’t hesitate. Submit your project to Codeable today and not only get an expert developer but gain a trusted partner committed to delivering exceptional results for your WordPress and Laravel integration project!

The post Is Laravel the Right PHP Framework for Your WordPress Website? appeared first on Codeable.

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WooCommerce REST API: Why It Matters & When to Use It Mon, 09 Oct 2023 10:14:07 +0000 In an age where online shopping has become the new norm, businesses of all sizes are continually seeking innovative ways to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.  Enter the WooCommerce REST API. What truly sets WooCommerce apart, catapulting it to the forefront of eCommerce solutions, is its robust and flexible REST API. But how does […]

The post WooCommerce REST API: Why It Matters & When to Use It appeared first on Codeable.

In an age where online shopping has become the new norm, businesses of all sizes are continually seeking innovative ways to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. 

Enter the WooCommerce REST API.

What truly sets WooCommerce apart, catapulting it to the forefront of eCommerce solutions, is its robust and flexible REST API. But how does it relate to your business objectives? Should you invest time in understanding the WooCommerce REST API? 

In this article, we will demystify the importance of the WooCommerce REST API and discuss the specific scenarios in which it becomes indispensable. We’ll also highlight why collaboration with skilled developers – such as our Codeable experts – is often the best approach for leveraging this advanced feature.

WooCommerce REST API vs. WordPress REST API: Differences explained

When it comes to managing your WooCommerce store or WordPress website, understanding the APIs at your disposal is crucial. 

APIs (Application Protocol Interfaces) are a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications or services to communicate with each other. They define the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information, enabling them to work together and share functionality.

The WordPress and WooCommerce APIs both follow the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST), which means they use standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform actions on your site’s data. Each resource (e.g., posts, users, products, orders) is represented as a URL. You can then use HTTP requests to interact with these resources.

Additionally, both APIs primarily use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as the data format for request payloads and responses, making it easy to work with data in different programming languages and platforms.

Let’s now explore the distinct purposes of the WordPress REST API and the WooCommerce REST API.

WordPress REST API

The WordPress REST API, often simply referred to as the WP REST API, is a set of web-based endpoints and methods that allow developers to interact with and manage WordPress content using HTTP requests.

It provides a way to access and manipulate data in a WordPress site, including posts, pages, users, comments, and more, without needing to work directly with the WordPress admin interface.

Whether you’re looking to automate content updates or implement custom features, the WordPress REST API can be a vital resource.

WooCommerce REST API

The WooCommerce REST API is an extension of the WordPress REST API tailored specifically for WooCommerce stores. It adds an array of specialized API endpoints for dealing with WooCommerce-specific data, like products, orders, customers, and coupons.

It provides a way for developers to interact with and manipulate the data and functionality of WooCommerce-powered online shop programmatically.

To sum it up, here is a quick comparison between the two REST APIs:

WordPress REST APIWooCommerce REST API
ScopeCore WordPress platform.WooCommerce-specific extension of WordPress.
EndpointsPosts, pages, users, categories, etc.Products, orders, customers, coupons, etc.
Data accessContent management.eCommerce data management.

If you operate a WordPress site with WooCommerce integration, you have access to both of these APIs. This dual capability provides a robust framework for implementing a wide range of customizations and integrations that can serve your store’s unique needs.

Can you work with the WooCommerce REST API by yourself?

The idea of total control over your WooCommerce store might be appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want the ability to tweak, adjust, and refine each part of their business operation? 

However, when it comes to the WooCommerce REST API, insufficient knowledge and technical skills can be detrimental due to the following reasons:

The illusion of simplicity

One of the deceptive aspects of REST APIs is their seeming simplicity. Because they work over HTTP and use standard methods like GET requests, you might think that a quick Google search would be enough to get you started. 

This is a common misconception. While API documentation exists, comprehending it fully requires a good understanding of programming concepts, authentication mechanisms, and data structures.

Security risks

Security is one of the most critical aspects to consider when working with any API, and the WooCommerce REST API is no exception. Negligence in this area can expose you to a myriad of risks. 

For instance, incorrectly configured access permissions could allow unauthorized users to view sensitive data, while improperly secured API keys could grant them the ability to modify that data. Even a small oversight could result in a significant security breach, putting your business and customer information at risk.

Data integrity

APIs offer powerful capabilities to modify your site’s database records. Consequently, an erroneous API call can corrupt essential data elements such as product listings, pricing, or customer information. 

What might seem like a simple mistake could snowball into a data integrity nightmare, requiring hours of troubleshooting and potential downtime for your online store.

Integration challenges

Integrating external systems, such as inventory management software or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, can streamline your operations, but they require intricate coding and careful API calls to implement successfully. 

Without a strong understanding of programming and API interactions, you may find yourself stuck, facing errors, or even compromising the other services you are trying to integrate.

Given these risks and complexities, the most advisable course of action is to enlist professional help. This is where Codeable comes into the picture as an invaluable partner. 

As a project-based marketplace specializing in WordPress and WooCommerce solutions, our platform provides access to a vetted pool of over 700 experts. Our developers can offer tailored solutions for any aspect of your WooCommerce REST API project, from conceptualization to implementation and ongoing maintenance.

All you have to do is submit your task on Codeable to leverage the experience and skills of developers who understand the intricacies of both the WooCommerce and WordPress REST APIs. This way, you’ll significantly mitigate the risks associated with API implementation and guarantee that your customizations will be both robust and secure.

What stores would benefit from utilizing the WooCommerce REST API?

Understanding whether your WooCommerce store can truly benefit from the WooCommerce REST API hinges on a variety of factors. Here are some scenarios where implementing the API can add substantial value:

  • Store owners with customization needs: If you have a WooCommerce store that requires custom interfaces, integration with other systems, or any unique functionality, the WooCommerce REST API is almost indispensable in this scenario. It gives you the capability to mold your eCommerce store precisely according to your vision and business requirements.
  • Store owners with developer access: Having access to skilled developers transforms the WooCommerce REST API into a playground of opportunity. If that’s the case, your developers can harness the capabilities of APIs to automate workflows, construct custom integrations, formulate specialized reports, or even create mobile apps that dovetail with your WooCommerce store.
  • Store owners planning for growth: Aspirations for growth dictate a dynamic approach to your store’s functionality. The WooCommerce REST API is a crucial tool that can facilitate scaling efforts, whether that’s breaking into new markets or adopting advanced eCommerce strategies. 

However, not everyone needs to leap onto the API bandwagon immediately.

Who may not need to prioritize the WooCommerce REST API?

  • Small or basic online stores: Stores with minimal operational requirements and no immediate plans for complex integrations may find that the WooCommerce REST API is not a pressing need. The core functionalities of WooCommerce are generally sufficient for straightforward eCommerce operations.
  • Non-technical users: For those who don’t have technical expertise or immediate access to developers, navigating the API could seem daunting. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be a roadblock, thanks to Codeable. Even if you lack the technical know-how, Codeable ensures that expert assistance is just a click away

Use cases for working with the WooCommerce REST API

The true power of the WooCommerce REST API becomes evident when you start diving into the various use cases and what it can facilitate. The following examples demonstrate the API’s flexibility and the potential for your WooCommerce store to become more automated, more integrated, and more successful.

Use cases for working the WooCommerce REST APIs.

Integrating with a customer relationship management system

Imagine a world where every new order or customer profile update in your WooCommerce store automatically reflects in your CRM system. Well, it’s entirely possible with the WooCommerce REST API. 

Synchronizing WooCommerce data (i.e., customer information, order histories, and product variations) between your store and CRM isn’t just nice to have; it’s becoming the industry standard. This integration streamlines customer management, allows for targeted marketing campaigns, and ensures a seamless customer experience.

Automating inventory management

For many online retailers, inventory management can be a logistical nightmare. The WooCommerce REST API makes it feasible to automate inventory across multiple platforms. 

By integrating with an external inventory management system, your WooCommerce store can reflect real-time stock levels and product availability, eliminating manual updates and minimizing errors.

Creating a custom mobile app for your store

As mobile shopping continues to rise, offering a customized shopping experience for mobile users is very much a necessity. The WooCommerce REST API can serve as the backbone for a custom mobile app. 

You can use the API to fetch product data, manage shopping carts, process orders, and handle customer authentication, providing a seamless and personalized mobile shopping experience.

Building a custom product search or filtering functionality

Basic search and filter options might suffice for smaller stores, but as your WooCommerce store grows, so will your customers’ expectations. 

The API provides an advanced solution for custom search or filtering, allowing you to pull detailed product data and implement nuanced search algorithms based on product attributes, categories, or other custom criteria. This ensures that your customers find what they’re looking for with minimal effort, elevating the user experience.

Integrating with a fulfillment service or shipping carrier

If you’re shipping physical goods, integrating with a fulfillment service or shipping carrier via the WooCommerce REST API can save you hours of administrative work.

Automate the generation of shipping labels and synchronize tracking information and shipping rates between your WooCommerce store and the third-party service. This not only streamlines the entire shipping process but also provides accurate and real-time information to your customers, enhancing their overall experience.

Developing a custom pricing or discount system

With the WooCommerce REST API, you can take discounts and special pricing to the next level. Whether it’s volume-based discounts, member pricing, or special promotional offers, you can implement complex pricing rules that dynamically adjust based on various conditions, providing a more personalized shopping experience for your customers.

Creating custom reports and analytics

Data-driven decisions are the cornerstone of successful eCommerce operations. Utilize the WooCommerce REST API to build custom reporting features that provide insights into sales patterns, customer behavior, and inventory levels. 

By pulling data directly from your WooCommerce store, you can generate reports that are as broad or detailed as you need, empowering you to make informed business decisions.

These are all compelling reasons to use the WooCommerce REST API. However, implementing it effectively requires significant technical expertise. That’s why we highly recommend engaging with one of our dedicated WooCommerce experts to bring these API-based plans to life.

Can plugins achieve similar functionality to the WooCommerce REST API?

The question of whether plugins can achieve similar functionality to the WooCommerce REST API is a noteworthy one, especially for those who are not yet sure about diving deep into API customization. The answer is both yes and no – let’s unpack that.

Plugins serve as ready-made solutions for extending your WooCommerce store’s capabilities. They are generally easy to install and configure, making them a convenient choice for store owners who lack technical expertise or simply prefer a straightforward solution. 

However, this convenience comes with limitations. Plugins offer a predefined set of functionalities, and if your needs extend beyond what the plugin can offer, you’re pretty much boxed in.

On the other hand, the WooCommerce REST API offers near-limitless customization options, making this approach stand head and shoulders above plugins. If you have a very specific way you want to manage inventory, handle customer data, or implement complex pricing models, the API gives you the freedom to do so. 

That said, plugins and the REST API aren’t mutually exclusive; in fact, they can often be used in tandem. Consider a scenario where you use a plugin for basic payment gateway integration. The plugin handles the standard functionalities like payment processing, order confirmation, and receipts. 

Now, suppose you also want to synchronize your store’s data with an external CRM system to enhance customer relationship management. This is a perfect job for the WooCommerce REST API. By utilizing both, you’ve created a system where common functionalities are handled by the plugin, while the unique, complex aspects are managed by the API.

If you’re wondering whether to opt for plugins or leverage the REST API, Codeable can provide the guidance you need. Our highly skilled WooCommerce experts can evaluate your specific requirements and offer tailored advice on which route would serve your business better. If custom API work is necessary, our developers are more than capable of undertaking any project that involves the WooCommerce REST API.

Extend your store with Codeable and the WooCommerce REST API

It’s evident how crucial the WooCommerce REST API can be for any store owner aspiring to customize or scale their business. It’s not just a technicality – it’s a pathway to creating a WooCommerce store that truly resonates with your brand and your customers’ needs.

While the WooCommerce REST API is incredibly powerful, it’s not something we recommend navigating alone if you lack the essential know-how. Improper usage of the API can expose your store to security risks, data integrity issues, and integration challenges. It’s not just about making your store work; it’s about making it work well, securely, and efficiently.

As you look toward scaling your operations or enhancing the custom functionalities of your WooCommerce store, remember that Codeable is here to bridge the gap between what WooCommerce offers out-of-the-box and what your unique store needs to thrive.

Our Codeable professionals are well-equipped to handle any project involving the WooCommerce REST API. Whether you’re looking to build a custom mobile app for your store, integrate with a CRM system, or automate your inventory management, our seasoned developers can turn your vision into a reality.

Don’t compromise on the potential of your WooCommerce store; extend it with the right knowledge and partnership. Submit your project to Codeable today and get expert help to boost your online success!

The post WooCommerce REST API: Why It Matters & When to Use It appeared first on Codeable.

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Detecting & Removing Malware from Your WordPress Site: The Definitive Guide Mon, 02 Oct 2023 09:29:38 +0000 WordPress has emerged as the content management system (CMS) of choice for countless entrepreneurs in today’s day and age, where your online presence is crucial for the success of your business. With its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and extensive plugin ecosystem, WordPress offers an exceptional platform for building and managing websites. However, the rise in cyber […]

The post Detecting & Removing Malware from Your WordPress Site: The Definitive Guide appeared first on Codeable.

WordPress has emerged as the content management system (CMS) of choice for countless entrepreneurs in today’s day and age, where your online presence is crucial for the success of your business. With its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and extensive plugin ecosystem, WordPress offers an exceptional platform for building and managing websites. However, the rise in cyber threats poses significant risks to WordPress sites, especially malware attacks that can compromise the security and integrity of your online eCommerce business.

This all-in-one guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to detect and eliminate malware, safeguard your website, and protect your valuable WordPress data. Furthermore, if you suspect that your site is suffering from malware, you can hire a Codeable expert to handle it for you adeptly. 

Don’t let malware undermine your online presence and business reputation. Let’s dive into this definitive guide so you can take control of your WordPress site’s security!

Introduction to malware and its effects on your WordPress site

Your WordPress site is not immune to cybersecurity threats. Malware, short for malicious software, can infiltrate your website, exploiting its vulnerabilities and compromising its functionality, performance, and even the trust of your online customers. 

There were 5.5 billion malware attacks in 2022 alone, with 560,000 new malware being detected every day.

As a WordPress business owner, you should proactively detect and remove malware from your WordPress site to protect it and maintain a secure online presence.

The impact of malware on your WordPress site

Malware poses a serious threat to your website, causing a range of detrimental effects. Familiarizing yourself with its adverse consequences and understanding the imperative to eradicate it and safeguard your website is crucial. 

Let’s shed light on some of the most prevalent negative impacts of malware:

  • Security breaches

Malware can exploit vulnerabilities in your site’s code, themes, or plugins, allowing unauthorized access to your website. Attackers can steal your sensitive data, inject malicious code, deface your site, or even take control of it entirely.

  • Website performance issues

Malware often consumes server resources, causing your site to slow down or crash frequently. This can result in a poor user experience, increased bounce rates, and loss of traffic and potential customers.

  • SEO penalties

Some malware infects your site with spammy links or redirects, leading to search engine penalties. Your site’s rankings can drop significantly, and in some cases, it may even get blacklisted by search engines, making it difficult for users to find your site.

  • Loss of data

Certain types of malware can encrypt your files or databases, making them inaccessible. For example, ransomware encrypts files using a strong encryption algorithm, making them unusable without the decryption key. The attackers then demand a ransom payment in exchange for restoring access to the data or removing the encryption, which isn’t always guaranteed. If you don’t have proper backups and malware protection, this can lead to permanent data loss.

  • Reputation damage and less revenue

A compromised website can damage your reputation and brand image. If your site suffers from malicious activities, your customers may associate your brand with security risks and avoid interacting with your site or doing business with you. For instance, if your WooCommerce store is compromised and suffering from defacement or unusual URL redirects, among a number of other signs, your customers may lose trust in making transactions, resulting in lost sales and a decreased conversion rate.

The different types of malware that can infect your WordPress site

Unfortunately, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of malware crawling around the internet. Nevertheless, here are some common types of malware that you need to shield your site against:

  • Viruses 

These malicious programs can replicate and spread by attaching themselves to clean files or infecting vulnerable areas of your site.

  • Worms 

Worms are self-replicating malware that can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread across networks and infect multiple websites.

  • Trojans 

Trojans disguise themselves as legitimate software, tricking you or your website visitors into installing them. Once installed, they can perform various malicious activities covertly.

  • Ransomware 

This type of malware encrypts your website’s files and demands a ransom in exchange for their release, causing significant disruption to your operations.

  • Spyware 

Spyware silently collects information about your site’s visitors, such as login credentials and personal data, and sends it to unauthorized third parties.

  • Adware and malvertising

Adware displays intrusive advertisements on your website, often generating revenue for the attacker while negatively impacting your WordPress website’s user experience.

  • Keyloggers 

Keyloggers record keystrokes made by the customers on your website, allowing attackers to gather their sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card details, or other personal data.

  • Rootkits 

Rootkits are stealthy malware that gain unauthorized access to your website’s core system files and conceal their presence, making them difficult to detect and remove.

  • Backdoors 

Backdoors provide unauthorized access to your website, allowing attackers to bypass security measures and control your site remotely. They can be used for various malicious activities, such as uploading additional malware or stealing data.

  • Phishing 

While not strictly malware, phishing attempts can trick users into revealing sensitive information by impersonating legitimate entities through deceptive emails, forms, or login pages.

  • Clickjacking 

Also known as UI redress attack, clickjacking is a malicious technique where cybercriminals deceive your website users into unknowingly clicking on elements on your web page that they have hijacked. This tricks your website visitors into performing unintended actions, leading to unauthorized transactions or the execution of malicious actions on behalf of the cyberattacker. 

  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks

In MitM attacks, hackers intercept and alter communication between your website and your customers, potentially stealing sensitive data exchanged during transactions or login processes.

  • Malicious redirects 

Malicious redirects occur when your visitors are redirected to unauthorized websites, often leading to phishing or malware-infested pages.

  • Bots

Bots, in and of themselves, are not inherently malware. However, bots can be used as a component of malware. They can be harnessed to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, where multiple infected devices flood a target system or network with overwhelming traffic, rendering it unavailable to your legitimate visitors. 

Understanding these various cyber threats is essential for implementing effective security measures. By proactively protecting your website, you can mitigate the risk of data breaches, operational disruptions, and unauthorized access, ensuring a safer online environment for your customers.

Common signs of malware on your WordPress site

Common signs of malware on your WordPress site.

If your website is slow, that might be an indicator that malware is present on your site. However, better indicators are receiving Google warning notifications or obvious defacement. 

“Aside from obvious defacement, I’d be immediately concerned if my site started generating unwanted redirects or if you can’t log in with known administrator credentials.” – Avery White, WordPress Codeable expert

Here’s a rough checklist to determine if your online business has been attacked by malware or hackers:

  • Your website is defaced in some way. This means content appears on your site that you didn’t create. This can come in the shape of unwanted redirects, links, ads, or politically motivated messages.
  • A sudden drop in site traffic. This could be because Google is notifying potential users that the website they are trying to visit contains malware (note that you may also see warnings in your Google Search Console account).
  • You’re locked out even though you know you’re using the correct credentials.
  • A sudden spike in system resource consumption or the site becomes dramatically slow or unresponsive. This could indicate your site is being used by attackers to do something else, like participate in a DDoS attack or mine cryptocurrency.
  • Search results contain wildly irrelevant data (Search Result Hijacking).
  • Unusual file names or directories appear.
  • Unusual cron jobs or scheduled tasks appear.

Codeable WordPress developers can easily spot these indicators, and help you eradicate them from your website. 

Scanning and detecting malware on your WordPress site

WordPress has quite a variety of anti-malware tools to employ at your discretion. Here are a few that we’ll go into more detail on in a bit:

Front-end (plugin) solutions

In the WordPress plugin repository, you can find both premium and free plugins to detect any malware on your WordPress website and remove it, keeping your online business secure. 

WordPress malware removal plugins like WordFence, Sucuri, MalCare, SecuPress, WPScan – WordPress Security Scanner, JetPack, and iThemes Security can simplify the process for you and make it as easy as just on click on the ‘Scan’ button. They are considered among the best WordPress malware removal plugins.

Back-end (server/hosting) solutions

WordPress hosting providers with robust back-end solutions can help prevent malware infections by detecting and blocking malicious activities, scanning for malware, and providing secure backup and restoration options.

Moreover, anti-malware software like Immunify360, BitNinja, Sucuri, SiteLock, and CodeGuard can provide your website with the necessary security. They offer server-level security measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, regular updates and patching of server software, secure file permissions and access controls, built-in malware scanning and removal tools, secure backup solutions, Web Application Firewalls (WAF), server monitoring, and threat detection.

“I love WordFence. Even the free version has some excellent scan options, and their Web-Application Firewall is very well informed from their massive threat database. Also, I like Really Simple SSL because it keeps the necessary backend changes enforced to avoid all-too-common mixed-content SSL errors. On the backend side, I’ve had an uneventful (a good thing!) experience with Immunify360 and would happily recommend it.” –Avery White, WordPress Codeable expert

Ideally, you will want to have both a front-end and a back-end security solution for added security layers. A seasoned WordPress developer can also implement security measures tailored to your website.

Choosing the right malware scanner for your WordPress site

Take the following aspects into your consideration when choosing the malware scanners that will best protect the front-end and back-end of your website:

  • Assess your needs

Before choosing a malware scanner for your WordPress site, it’s important to understand your specific requirements. Consider factors such as your budget, the size and complexity of your site, the frequency of malware scans you need, and the level of support required.

  • Research available options

There are several reliable malware scanners available for WordPress sites. Conduct thorough research to find options that fit your needs. Some popular choices include Sucuri, Wordfence, MalCare, and SiteLock, as mentioned above. Explore their features, pricing plans, customer reviews, and support services to make an informed decision.

  • Evaluate key features

Look for features that are essential for effective malware scanning, such as automatic scanning scheduling, real-time monitoring, comprehensive malware database, and reliable malware detection algorithms. Additionally, consider if the scanner provides additional security features like firewall protection and vulnerability scanning.

  • Consider ease of use

Choose a malware scanner that is user-friendly and provides clear instructions on how to scan and remove malware. A well-designed interface and intuitive user experience can save you time and effort.

  • Support and updates

Ensure that the malware scanner you choose has a responsive support team and receives regular updates. Timely updates help the scanner stay effective against new malware threats, and good customer support can assist you in case you encounter any issues.

How to remove malware on your WordPress website

Option 1: Get an expert to do it

Opting for professional assistance is a highly recommended solution when it comes to something as serious as handling malware because they have the training and experience necessary to identify, isolate, and eliminate a wide variety of cyber threats. Moreover, they can safely back up your data, save time and effort, and even offer support after malware removal in case anything arises.

This is where Codeable, a leading WordPress freelancer platform, comes in. At Codeable, we have a directory of 700+ expert WordPress developers who are well-versed in the art and science of malware removal. This will guarantee that they’ll adeptly handle all your WordPress tasks and efficiently enhance your site’s overall security.

Just follow these simple steps to get started with a Codeable expert:

  1. Visit our website and click on the Start A Project button”.
Starting a task on to hire a WordPress expert.
  1. You’ll be prompted to create an account if you don’t have one. Otherwise, just opt for logging in.
Registering for an account of
  1. Provide details about your WordPress website and the malware issue you’re facing. Be as specific as possible about the symptoms you’re experiencing and any error messages you’ve encountered.
  2. Choose the category that best matches your needs. In this case, it would likely be “WordPress Security“.
  3. Once you post your project, our qualified experts will review your requirements. You’ll be matched with 1-5 experts who are a good match for your project, and you’ll get a single estimate that is an average of the developers’ individual quotes. This ensures you are paying for quality and not the cheapest quote. 
  4. Take your time to review the experts’ profiles, including their ratings, reviews, and portfolios. You’ll easily see that all of them are vetted for their world-class skills. You can engage in a conversation with these developers to further discuss the project details, timeline, and any additional requirements you may have.
  5. If you’re satisfied with the discussions and feel confident in choosing an expert based on their capabilities, hire them for the project. You’ll pay upfront, though payments are held in escrow. 
  6. Collaborate closely with the hired expert to provide them with the necessary access to your WordPress website. The expert will ensure you have appropriate backups in place before any changes are made, scan for malware, remove infected files, and implement security measures to protect your website.
  7. Once the expert has completed the malware removal process, thoroughly test your website to ensure the issue has been resolved.

Going with this method will guarantee you a malware-free and secure site in no time.

Option 2: Remove malware manually without a plugin

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to identify and remove malware from your WordPress site yourself without using a plugin:

Step 1: Back up your website

Before you start, it’s essential to create a backup of your website files and database. This allows you to restore your site if anything goes wrong during the malware removal process. You can back up your website using a backup plugin manually or by hiring a Codeable WordPress expert.

Step 2: Identify the infection

Look for signs of malware infection, such as unexpected redirects, unusual pop-ups, or changes in your site’s appearance or functionality. You can also use website scanners like SucuriSiteCheck or Norton Safe Web to identify potential malware. All you have to do is enter your WordPress website’s URL.

Identifying malware using SucuriSiteCheck malware site checker.

Step 3: Remove infected files 

Once you have detected the malware-ridden piece of your website, you can manually delete the infected files. After that, replace the deleted files with clean copies from a trusted source or restore them from a previous one you had before the malware attack backup.

Step 4: Update WordPress core, themes, and plugins

Outdated software is a common vulnerability that hackers exploit. Make sure you’re running the latest versions of WordPress, WooCommerce, your theme, and your plugins. Remove any unused, outdated, or deprecated themes and plugins as well.

Step 5: Harden your site’s security

After removing malware, it’s crucial to reinforce your WordPress site’s security to prevent future infections. Consider implementing the following security practices:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for all user accounts.
  • Limit the number of login attempts with a plugin like Login LockDown.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for user logins.
  • Regularly update themes, plugins, and WordPress core.
  • Remove any unnecessary themes and plugins.
  • Use a firewall to block suspicious traffic.
  • Disable file editing via the WordPress dashboard.
  • Monitor your site for file changes using a plugin like Sucuri or Wordfence.

“I think we still have it in our heads that a password length of 8 characters is sufficient, and that might have been true a decade ago, but computers (and even phones) are getting to the point that those once-suggestions to use upper and lowercase letters, numbers, special symbols is now mandatory.

Additionally, I think people are too afraid of ‘what if it breaks my site’ and not nearly afraid enough of ‘what if I get hacked?’ Updating, testing, and reverting (and then hopefully fixing) will always take less time than fixing a hacked site.” –Avery White, WordPress Codeable expert

Step 6: Monitor regularly

Keep a watchful eye on your website for any signs of unusual activity or reinfection. Regularly update and scan your site for malware to maintain its security.

Remember, if you’re unsure about any step or need assistance, it’s always a good idea to consult a WordPress professional or a security expert with experience in handling WordPress malware removal.

Option 3: Use a WordPress security plugin to detect and remove malware

WordPress malware removal plugins offer comprehensive protection and malware removal features. Here is how to detect and remove malware from your website using a plugin:

  1. Install, activate, and configure your anti-malware plugin. For this tutorial, we are using WordFence. Follow the provided setup wizard or configuration guide. Set up any required parameters, such as scanning frequency, email notifications, and automated removal options.
Installing WordFence on WordPress.
  1. From your dashboard, go to WordFence from the menu on the side and click on ‘Scan’ to initiate a malware scan of your WordPress site. Depending on the plugin, you may have options for on-demand or scheduled scans. 
Starting a malware scan using WordFence.
  1. Now, click on the ‘Start new scan’ button and allow the plugin to analyze your site for malware and vulnerabilities thoroughly.
Starting a malware scan using WordFence.
  1. If WordFence detects malware, it will alert you. All you have to do now is remove the malware by clicking on the ‘Delete file’ button.

There you have it. That’s how easy it is to use a WordPress anti-malware plugin.

Securing your WordPress site with a web application firewall

A web application firewall (WAF) is an essential tool for protecting your site against various security threats. By implementing a WAF, you can add an extra layer of defense that helps mitigate risks and keeps your website secure. In this section, we will explore the importance of securing your website with a web application firewall and provide some best practices for its implementation.

Why use a web application firewall?

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems, making it an attractive target for hackers and malicious actors. Cyberattacks, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, can compromise the security and functionality of your website, leading to data breaches, defacement, or loss of revenue.

A web application firewall acts as a shield between your website and potential threats by monitoring, filtering, and blocking suspicious traffic. It analyzes incoming requests and applies predefined rules to identify and stop malicious activities before they reach your WordPress site. With a WAF in place, you can prevent common vulnerabilities and protect your site from emerging threats.

Implementing a web application firewall for WordPress

By implementing a WAF, you can significantly reduce the risk of common cyberattacks and protect your valuable data and online reputation. Here is an overview of how to implement WAF on our WordPress website:

  1. Choose a Reliable WAF Solution

Selecting the right web application firewall is crucial. Look for a reputable and feature-rich WAF solution that specifically caters to WordPress security. Consider factors such as ease of use, regular updates, customer support, and compatibility with your hosting environment.

  1. Install and configure your WAF plugin 

Once you’ve chosen a WAF solution, install the corresponding plugin provided by the vendor. This plugin integrates the WAF into your site and allows you to configure its settings. Take time to understand the available options and adjust them to match your security requirements.

  1. Enable basic WAF protections 

Activate the core protection features offered by the WAF. These typically include protection against common attacks like SQL injections, XSS, and brute-force attempts. Ensure that these protections are turned on and set to the appropriate security levels.

  1. Customize WAF rules

Depending on your site’s unique characteristics and functionalities, you may need to customize the WAF rules. Review the predefined rules and add any specific rules that align with your site’s requirements. Regularly update and fine-tune these rules to address evolving security threats.

  1. Monitor and analyze WAF logs 

Regularly monitor the logs generated by the WAF to gain insights into potential threats and attack patterns. Analyzing these logs can help you identify and respond to security incidents effectively. Consider integrating your WAF logs with a security information and event management (SIEM) system for centralized monitoring and analysis.

  1. Stay up-to-date 

Keep your WAF plugin and WordPress installation up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. WAF vendors continuously release updates to address emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Regularly check for updates and apply them promptly to ensure optimal security.

Remember to choose a reliable WAF solution, configure it properly, customize the rules, and stay vigilant by monitoring logs and keeping your system up-to-date. With these practices in place, you can enhance the security posture of your WordPress site and provide a safe browsing experience for your users. Additionally, hire a WordPress security expert to ensure your WAF is implemented properly.

Protect your WordPress website from malware with Codeable

The prevalence of cyber threats continues to grow, making it crucial for you as an online business owner to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to safeguard your online presence, brand, and reputation. 

Throughout this article, we have explored various effective strategies and best practices to protect your WordPress website from malware. By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of malicious attacks and ensure the safety and integrity of your site. You’ll ensure the trust of your customers, consequently leading to an increase in profit and conversion rate. 

If you’re finding it daunting or complex to tackle this essential task, no need to worry! Our Codeable WordPress experts are here to help you with whatever issues you might be facing with you’re website. Just hire one of our WordPress developers to rid your site of malware and build a protective shield for it against any cyber-attacks. Submit your WordPress task today!

The post Detecting & Removing Malware from Your WordPress Site: The Definitive Guide appeared first on Codeable.

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12 Top WordPress Development Companies in 2023 Tue, 12 Sep 2023 12:06:45 +0000 Find out if a WordPress development company is what you really need and how to hire one. Explore the top 12 WordPress development companies.

The post 12 Top WordPress Development Companies in 2023 appeared first on Codeable.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a robust online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. WordPress, the widely acclaimed content management system (CMS), powering 43.2% of all websites, continues to be a go-to platform for website development. Its flexibility and scalability have not only sustained its popularity but also elevated it to the status of a digital powerhouse.

However, the world of WordPress is not without its complexities and challenges. To navigate it successfully, businesses require the assistance of top-notch WordPress development companies that can offer a blend of technical prowess, creative vision, and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape.

This article seeks to guide you through the dynamic world of WordPress development. We’ve meticulously curated a list of 14 top WordPress development companies that have consistently delivered outstanding services. Whether you’re a startup looking to establish your online presence or an established enterprise seeking to revamp your digital footprint, these companies possess the expertise and track record to bring your vision to life.

What’s the difference between a WordPress development agency and a WordPress development company?

Before proceeding any further, let’s clear up any confusion surrounding this terminology.

A WordPress development agency usually focuses on specific areas of expertise. For example:

  • WordPress web design services
  • User experience (UX)
  • UI
  • Web development
  • WordPress website support and maintenance services
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Digital marketing and social media strategies
  • eCommerce development (e.g., WooCommerce)
  • WordPress migration

They might even combine a few of these topics. 

WordPress web development companies, on the other hand, focus on the technical aspects of WordPress website creation. They provide front-end and back-end development to build a completely customized site to suit your specific business needs and objectives. Put simply, code is their expertise, so their expertise tends to focus on the technical side.

On occasion, WordPress web development companies may offer additional services like creative insights, marketing guidance, and project management. WordPress development companies are usually larger than smaller WordPress agencies and typically provide their WordPress web development services for a monthly retainer.

The best 12 WordPress development companies

1. Codeable


Codeable is a well-known and reputable online platform that specializes in connecting businesses and website owners with highly skilled WordPress experts and developers. It acts as a marketplace where clients can find over 700 experienced WordPress professionals to help them with various WordPress-related tasks and projects.

Here’s a closer look at what Codeable offers:

  • Access to a network of WordPress experts: Codeable has a rigorous vetting process to ensure that only the best WordPress developers and experts are part of their network. These experts have a deep understanding of WordPress and can assist with tasks ranging from theme customization and plugin development to website maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Custom WordPress solutions: Businesses and individuals can hire Codeable experts to work on custom WordPress projects tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s building a new website, enhancing the functionality of an existing one, or solving complex technical issues, Codeable’s experts have the skills to deliver.
  • Transparency and accountability: Clients can post their WordPress projects, receive quotes from available experts, and choose the professional who best fits their requirements and budget. Codeable also ensures that payments are held in escrow until the project is completed to the client’s satisfaction.
  • Project management: Codeable offers a platform for efficient project management and communication between clients and experts. Clients can track the progress of their projects, provide feedback, and maintain open lines of communication with the experts they hire.
  • A diverse range of services: Codeable’s experts can assist with various WordPress-related tasks, including website design and development, plugin customization, performance optimization, security enhancements, and more.
  • Quality assurance: Codeable places a strong emphasis on delivering high-quality work. Experts are reviewed and rated by clients, which helps maintain a high level of quality and accountability within the platform.

Codeable simplifies the process of finding and hiring experienced WordPress experts, ensuring that clients can get their WordPress projects completed efficiently and effectively.

2. WebDevStudios


WebDevStudios is known for its deep knowledge of WordPress and its ability to deliver high-quality, scalable websites. With a diverse portfolio spanning various industries, they have a proven track record of crafting websites that not only look great but also function seamlessly. 

Their expertise in custom WordPress themes and plugins makes them a trusted choice for businesses seeking reliable WordPress development services. Their services include responsive design, scalable solutions, and ongoing maintenance and support. 

WebDevStudios is actively engaged in the WordPress community and is committed to delivering high-quality work, making them a trusted partner for businesses seeking tailored WordPress solutions.

3. Saucal


Saucal is dedicated to creating user-friendly and effective websites. Their team combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of user experience to build WordPress solutions that resonate with their clients’ audiences. 

Saucal offers services that include building, enhancing, and maintaining online stores and extensions. They offer support and maintenance plans to keep websites operational 24/7 and have received positive testimonials from clients. Additionally, they collaborate with various technology partners and have a diverse virtual team of developers, strategists, and WooCommerce experts, making them a reliable choice for eCommerce web development and support.

4. Librafire


Librafire is an agency that thrives on innovation and creativity in WordPress development. They are adept at marrying technical expertise with cutting-edge design to produce visually stunning websites. Librafire’s unique approach to web development ensures that clients receive WordPress solutions that not only meet their functional requirements but also make a strong visual impact.

5. Multidots


Multidots is renowned for its expertise in WordPress development and maintenance services. Their global client base speaks to their reputation as a trusted partner for businesses worldwide. Multidots offers comprehensive WordPress solutions, ensuring that websites are not only well-built but also maintained to meet the evolving demands of the digital landscape.

6. Modern Tribe

Modern Tribe.

Modern Tribe places a strong emphasis on user experience in their WordPress development projects. They are dedicated to creating interactive and visually appealing websites that engage and convert visitors. Modern Tribe’s expertise in WordPress, combined with their focus on user-centric design, ensures that their clients receive websites that are both functional and delightful to use.

7. FixRunner


FixRunner specializes in WordPress support and maintenance services. Their team provides reliable solutions to ensure that WordPress websites run smoothly and remain secure. FixRunner’s commitment to keeping WordPress sites up and running optimally makes them a go-to choice for businesses looking to maintain the health of their online presence.

8. Human Made

Human Made.

Human Made is a WordPress development agency known for its commitment to open source and its contributions to the WordPress community. They have a strong track record of delivering high-quality websites. Human Made’s expertise in WordPress development and their dedication to open source principles make them a respected name in the industry.

10. DevriX


DevriX is a WordPress development agency that caters to businesses of all sizes. They offer a comprehensive range of services, from website design to custom plugin development. DevriX’s commitment to delivering comprehensive WordPress solutions ensures that clients receive websites that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional.

10. Americaneagle


Americaneagle has a vast portfolio with a focus on creating websites that drive results. Their extensive experience in various industries and their ability to tailor WordPress solutions to meet specific business goals make them a go-to choice for businesses seeking an impactful online presence.

11. Alley


Alley is a WordPress agency known for its innovative approach to web development. They specialize in creating unique, custom solutions that push the boundaries of WordPress capabilities. Alley’s commitment to pushing the envelope in WordPress development ensures that clients receive websites that are both technically advanced and creatively inspiring.

12. WPRiders


WPRiders offers a range of services, including theme and plugin development. Their focus on crafting solutions that enhance website functionality and user experience makes them a trusted choice for businesses seeking WordPress development expertise. WPRiders’ commitment to delivering value to clients ensures that their WordPress solutions align with their clients’ goals and objectives.

When should you hire a WordPress development company?

Chances are, if you’re looking to develop a visual identity or you’re focusing on the creative aspects of your business, a small WordPress development agency can be of assistance to you. The same goes for if you want to:

  • Create a custom WordPress theme for your business or eCommerce website.
  • Develop and implement a custom WordPress plugin.
  • Overhaul the accessibility of your site.
  • Optimize your site for SEO.

In contrast, there are other scenarios where hiring a WordPress web development company is the right step for you. 

For instance, if:

  • You need to build a WordPress website from scratch.
  • You require a complete overhaul of your existing site.
  • You have a complex project with unique requirements that necessitate 100% customization to meet your specifications.

In all the above situations, a WordPress web development company can step in. This is an especially suitable arrangement if you don’t have an in-house development team and only require assistance for a specific project.

Preparing to work with a WordPress development company

Before kickstarting your search for the right WordPress web development company, carefully consider your project to familiarize yourself with your exact needs and requirements. As you go about doing this, outline the project’s goals and objectives. For instance, what you want to achieve and how it will impact business growth.

On top of that, it’s worth listing any other project details, including your budget, the skills required to complete it, and the project’s location. Are you hoping to work face-to-face with your chosen WordPress web development company? Alternatively, can the project be undertaken remotely? Both arrangements have their benefits. 

Working remotely unlocks a much larger pool of potential companies. As such, you’re far more likely to find a firm you feel confident in. That said, if your chosen company operates in a different time zone and language, say in India or the Philippines, you may face practical challenges.  

How to choose the best WordPress development company

Once you know the specifications of your project, it’s time to look for the right match. This is an important step that should be undertaken with the greatest of care.

If you end up working with a company that doesn’t do the following, you might end up with subpar results:

  • Communicate well.
  • Understand your objectives.
  • Bring the right level of technical expertise to the job.

A careful screening process can significantly reduce that risk and help you find a high-quality partner you can turn to again and again.

Below are a few factors to examine closely when looking for a WordPress web development company:

Technical competence

Your chosen development company should be comfortable working with and even boast years of experience with:

Of course, if you’ve identified the technical skills most relevant to your project, looking for evidence of these skills is a priority. Typically, these kinds of companies are web development-focused, so they should have no difficulty providing experts and WordPress developers with a wide range of technical skills.

Project planning and strategy

It shouldn’t be your job to dictate and manage the project at every stage. You’re not a project manager, after all. A reliable WordPress development company should explain the development process, including when and how you’ll receive the deliverables. They should also provide a solid work schedule and plan with well-defined deadlines. 

You can quickly test a prospective candidate early on by requesting a detailed proposal. 

Remember: A careful and cautious approach from a development partner is usually much more beneficial than anyone over-promising and skimming the details.

Financial details

The best WordPress development agencies provide detailed quotations indicating the cost of development, hosting expenses, customization, and other options and add-ons like theme development, plugin development, etc. 

Here it pays to be a little educated yourself so that you have a vague idea of what you might expect cost-wise. The last thing you want is to shell out on the company only to find you’ll still need to allocate funding to unexpected expenses.

Credentials that indicate experience

Your chosen WordPress development company should have a reliable reputation in the WordPress community. A large number of positive reviews that demonstrate good customer relationships is a good sign. 

Check they’re friendly, courteous, trustworthy and that customer satisfaction is important to them. You can often get an impression of this from your own email communications with them. If your gut feeling indicates a red flag, it might not be worth taking the risk. 

Other project-specific details

If your project has specific requirements, you should, of course, consider them as a priority. 

For example, say that your project needs a partner who’s available 24/7 in case of emergencies and complications. In that case, you’ll need to ensure they’re 100% responsive and can deliver on that promise – do they offer that kind of customer support? Do they have customers that can confirm that they follow through on this promise? Etc.

How to negotiate with a WordPress development company

If you’re working on a budget, you’ll want to get the best deal for your money. That said, here are a few tips on how to negotiate a fair rate.

  • Understand the rates for each task: Development, for example, is often more expensive than running WordPress website maintenance. Namely, because it requires more hands-on time, planning, and expertise. 
  • Make sure you know what you want: If you come up with a new request halfway through development, this will cost you extra and might slow down the whole project. Be well-prepared beforehand, so there are no surprises for the development company and no unpleasant additions to the invoice you’ll receive.
  • Compare the rates of a few WordPress development companies: As always, different providers will charge different rates, and you could save a lot of money by shopping around. We would recommend, however, not choosing a company just because they provide the cheapest quote. Instead, ensure they score highly on the factors discussed above so that the quality of your project doesn’t suffer. This goes a long way to limiting the likelihood of spending extra on repairs and revisions later down the line. 
  • Understand the other side: Suppose you can’t be flexible about negotiating around what the development company is asking of you. In that case, you can’t expect lower pricing. Many companies are willing to negotiate around flexible schedules, but your demands should match your budget if that’s not possible. Needless to say, your collaboration will be more fruitful if you respectfully keep the needs of your development partners in mind. 

Your alternative WordPress development company

Suppose you have a massive project ahead of you and need to build a site entirely from scratch, complete with custom specifications. In that case, a WordPress development company could be the right choice for you. 

Codeable is the leading option.

Your projects on the Codeable dashboard.

Codeable takes care of the screening process for you. It offers a choice of different profiles, including freelancers and small agencies, making it easy to find a good match for your project. They can also handle on-demand team creation. The Codeable team conscientiously brings together individual WordPress developers with different skills to form a highly specialized team for your project.

All of Codeable’s WordPress professionals are carefully vetted beforehand. When you upload your project, you’re introduced to a few individuals who match your requirements and provide the expertise you’re looking for. Then, you’ll get a no-obligation, free estimate so you can start comparing prices.

Add a new project on Codeable.

Working with Codeable experts could be the better choice for you if you’re:

  • Working on a tighter budget.
  • Need a range of different skills.
  • Have a smaller project to complete that doesn’t warrant working with a full-stack development company or hiring an in-house employee.

Are you ready to start working with a WordPress development company?

With so many WordPress web development services available globally, it can be challenging to find the right web solutions for your business. Even a full-service WordPress development company won’t necessarily guarantee a better outcome than an individual expert or small team. It depends entirely on their expertise, professionalism, and how suitable they are to your project.

Keep an open mind and research carefully before outsourcing a large project to any development company. By asking the right questions and knowing exactly what you want, you should avoid spending more than necessary.

What are you waiting for? Submit your project on Codeable today and get a free quote from several vetted WordPress experts to start the process! 

The post 12 Top WordPress Development Companies in 2023 appeared first on Codeable.

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Transfer Your WordPress Site to Another Registrar: A Domain Transfer Guide Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:03:10 +0000 What if, for one reason or another, you realize your current domain registrar isn’t meeting your needs? Maybe they’ve hiked their renewal fees, perhaps their customer service isn’t as supportive as you’d like, or maybe you’ve stumbled upon another registrar offering more advanced features. However, moving to a new domain registrar can feel like a […]

The post Transfer Your WordPress Site to Another Registrar: A Domain Transfer Guide appeared first on Codeable.

What if, for one reason or another, you realize your current domain registrar isn’t meeting your needs? Maybe they’ve hiked their renewal fees, perhaps their customer service isn’t as supportive as you’d like, or maybe you’ve stumbled upon another registrar offering more advanced features.

However, moving to a new domain registrar can feel like a daunting task that could disrupt your site’s functionality or accessibility. The dread of losing data, or worse, your entire site, is palpable – but don’t worry! If you’re considering a switch, whether for better pricing, customer service, or features, we’ll cover everything you need to know in this article.

Whether you’re ready to make the move but unsure about the process or apprehensive about what a domain transfer means for your WordPress site, we’ve crafted this comprehensive step-by-step guide to assuage your concerns and arm you with the know-how to securely move your WordPress site to a new domain registrar. Even if you don’t want to get hands-on or lack the technical expertise, we have just the solution for you – hiring a Codeable WordPress expert.

Let’s get started!

Reasons for transferring a WordPress site to another domain

Given its importance, transferring a WordPress site to a different domain is a decision not to be taken lightly. It is a strategic action often inspired by a myriad of reasons, including:

  • Cost savings: Diverse hosting providers offer a broad spectrum of prices for their plans. A business may opt to migrate its WordPress website to a different domain associated with a hosting provider that provides similar or even superior services but at a more affordable price point.
  • Better performance and speed: Website speed and performance can greatly influence visitor engagement, conversion rates, and SEO rankings. If the current hosting provider cannot deliver the desired speed or performance, a business may decide to transfer the site to a new domain hosted by a provider known for better performance. 
  • Improved security: Cybersecurity is of paramount importance for online businesses. A site might be moved to a different domain with a new hosting provider that offers advanced security features like better encryption, DDoS protection, regular automatic backups, and reliable recovery systems.
  • Superior customer support: Customer support is crucial when it comes to website management. If a current host lacks responsive, reliable customer support, website owners might decide to move their WordPress site to a new domain hosted by a provider that offers 24/7 support, expert advice, and faster resolution of issues.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow, their websites need to evolve and scale accordingly. If a website owner anticipates significant growth in traffic or content, they might transfer their site to a different domain on a host that better accommodates future scaling needs.
  • Provider’s reputation: The reputation of a hosting provider can also influence the decision to transfer a WordPress site to a new domain. A host with frequent downtime, poor customer reviews, or controversial business practices may encourage a site owner to switch to a new provider with a better reputation.
  • Need for advanced features: Some hosting providers offer unique features that others don’t. These could include specialized WordPress hosting, staging environments, integrated CDN, automatic WordPress updates, or one-click installations for various scripts. If the website owner needs these advanced features, they might consider transferring their site to a new domain with a host that provides them.

That being said, if the prospect of migrating to a new domain yourself seems daunting or you lack the technical expertise, it’s best to get help from an expert to handle the entire process for you. WordPress developer and Codeable expert, Daniel Stanojevic from PixelDuo, reinforces this idea:

“Since there are many factors that go into a domain change in the database, I’d always recommend hiring an expert to do a migration instead of attempting it on your own unless you’re very familiar with WordPress. The reason being, you won’t be able to work it all out on your own if you’re not familiar with it. Now, you may find a plugin that does it all for you, and it may work or it may not work. But without manually reviewing the whole site, you’re not going to be sure either way, which is why I think hiring someone to do it for you is the optimal path.”

Preparing for the domain transfer: Preliminary steps

Before you begin the actual transfer, there are a few essential preliminary steps you need to undertake to ensure that your site remains operational and secure during the transfer process. 

Codeable experts will know the following by heart, implementing all the steps of the domain migration process effectively and efficiently based on your requirements.

Evaluate your needs

Before anything else, it’s crucial to take a step back and assess your needs. Ask yourself: 

  • Why are you transferring your domain? 
  • Are you unhappy with your current hosting provider? 
  • Do you need more features or improved service? 

By having clear answers to these questions, you will know what to look for in your new hosting provider and will be better prepared to ensure a successful domain transfer.

Choose a new hosting provider

Your hosting provider is the bedrock upon which your online presence is built; choosing wisely is an investment in the future success of your site. Research various hosting providers to find one that best suits your needs. Look for providers who offer excellent customer service, reliable uptime, and the specific features you require. 

Opt for a provider that prioritizes performance and security, ensures scalability, has high-quality customer support, and offers cost-effective plans. Also, leverage a provider that offers hosting plans specifically for WordPress or WooCommerce, which will make installation and management as easy as a click of a button.

Back up your website

Before you start any significant changes, safeguard your data by creating a complete backup of your website. A backup ensures that you have a safety net for your site content, securing it against any unforeseen glitches or losses during the transfer. 

WordPress plugins such as UpdraftPlus and BackupBuddy are effective tools that can help you back up your data seamlessly.

The step-by-step guide to transferring your WordPress site

Step 1: Back up your WordPress site and database

This step includes backing up your website files, database, and any other associated content, which can be accomplished in two ways: manually or by using a WordPress backup plugin.

To back up your website files:


  1. Connect to your website via your current host’s control panel or using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client like FileZilla or Cyberduck
  2. Locate your site’s root directory, often named public_html, www, or httpdocs. All of your WordPress files are stored in this directory. 
  3. Download all these files and folders onto your local computer. Remember, this process could take some time, depending on the size of your website.

Using a backup plugin

Alternatively, you can use a backup plugin to simplify this process. There are many quality plugins available, such as UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy, or Duplicator.

After installing and activating your chosen plugin, use its user interface to create a backup of your WordPress site. While the process varies slightly from plugin to plugin, it’s intuitive and easy to use.

Next, we’ll back up your WordPress database: 

  1. Navigate to your web hosting control panel, which could be cPanel or Plesk
  2. Look for the phpMyAdmin option, select it, and choose your website’s database from the list on the left.
Selecting the database from phpMyAdmin.
  1. Click on the Export tab at the top of the page to download the .sql file to your computer. This file is your database backup.
Exporting the database from phpMyAdmin.

Keep your site and database backup files safe and test them to make sure they are functional and ready to use if something goes wrong.

Step 2: Upload your site files to your new domain

Similar to the initial step, you have two options for transferring your WordPress files to the new domain’s root directory: using your hosting provider’s file manager or an FTP client. 

Once the upload is complete, ensure that all files and directories have been transferred successfully to the server.

Step 3: Import your database

  1. From your new provider’s panel, access your phpMyAdmin, and click on your new database.
  2. From the tab at the top, click on Import, and upload the .sql file that you downloaded from the initial step.
Importing the database from phpMyAdmin.

Step 4: Update your database with your new URL and edit your wp_config.php with your new database information

  1. From phpMyAdmin, navigate to the wp_options table from the left sidebar. 
Navigating to the wp_options in the new database.
  1. Edit the siteurl and home rows and replace the old URL with your new one.
Editing the siteurl and the home entries to reflect the new URL.
  1. Navigate to your site’s root folder, locate your wp_config.php, and edit the following parameters:
Editing the database information in the wp_config.php file.
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘your-new-db-name’);
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘your-new-db-username’);
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘your-new-db-password’);
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘ your-new-db-host-name’);

To ensure that your site functions seamlessly on the new domain, you need to update permalinks and internal links. 

Install a plugin like Better Search Replace to help you with this task. This plugin will update all instances of your old domain in your content and replace them with the new domain.

Step 6: Test and verify your site

With the transfer complete, it’s essential to thoroughly test your site on the new domain. Check each page, post, and functionality to ensure everything is working as intended. Pay attention to details such as contact forms, image galleries, and external links. This step allows you to identify any potential issues and make necessary adjustments.

Step 7: Redirect your old domain (optional):

After successfully transferring your WordPress website to a new domain, it is crucial to establish 301 redirects to ensure a seamless user experience. These redirects serve as a mechanism that automatically directs visitors from the old domain to the corresponding web pages on the new domain, preventing them from encountering frustrating 404 errors.

Implementing 301 redirects not only helps to maintain the positive impact of your previous SEO efforts but also plays a vital role in preserving the authority and reputation of your old domain. It also contributes to the accelerated growth of traffic for your new domain.

If your host provides this, you can conveniently set up URL redirects using the ready-to-use redirects feature. Alternatively, you can leverage popular WordPress SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO or All in One SEO to create and manage 301 redirects effectively. These plugins offer intuitive interfaces and functionalities that simplify the redirect setup process, ensuring that your website remains accessible and optimized for both search engines and users.

That’s it – you’ve successfully transferred your WordPress site to a new domain!

Maintaining SEO rankings during the transfer

The last thing you want is to lose all the visibility and traffic you’ve worked so hard to build. With careful planning and execution, it is possible to migrate your site to a new domain while preserving your SEO rankings by implementing the following best practices:

  • Set up proper 301 redirects: We covered this in step 7 above, but we are emphasizing the need for it here because it ensures that both search engines and visitors are directed to the right content, minimizing the negative impact on your rankings.
  • Maintain URL structure: Keeping your URL structure intact during the domain transfer is essential. If possible, maintain the same URL structure on your new domain to avoid confusion and maintain the SEO value of your individual pages. This includes preserving the same permalinks and ensuring that the internal links within your content remain functional.
  • Update internal links: As you migrate your site, it’s important to update any internal links that point to pages within your website. Make sure to update these links to reflect the new domain. This step helps search engines and users find the relevant content on your new domain, preventing any loss in rankings or traffic. This was also covered in step 5.
  • Submit updated sitemap: Generate and submit a new sitemap for your new domain to search engines. This will help search engine crawlers discover and index your new website more efficiently. A well-structured and up-to-date sitemap is essential for maintaining your search engine visibility and rankings.
  • Monitor Google Search Console: Do this before, during, and after the domain transfer process. Keep an eye out for any errors, crawl issues, or notifications related to the domain migration. Address these issues promptly to minimize any negative impact on your SEO rankings.
  • Monitor traffic and rankings: Keep a close eye on your website traffic and rankings after the domain transfer. Use analytics tools, like Google Analytics, to monitor any fluctuations and identify potential issues. If you notice a significant drop in rankings or traffic, investigate the cause and take appropriate action to rectify the situation.

Remember, SEO is a long-term effort, and ensuring a smooth transition will contribute to the longevity and success of your website in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Codeable’s team of WordPress developers knows exactly what to do when migrating sites to new domains. They’ll handle all of these complex steps efficiently, freeing you from any hassle. 

Ensuring a smooth domain transfer for your WordPress site

Migrating your WordPress site to a new domain registrar may be necessary for you due to various reasons, such as better pricing, improved customer support, or enhanced security features. While the domain transfer process may appear complex, taking the time to understand the steps involved and adequately preparing can significantly minimize any difficulties that may arise.

However, it is important to acknowledge that domain transfers can still pose challenges, especially for those who are not well-versed in website management and technical aspects. In such cases, seeking assistance from a Codeable professional can be the best solution to ensure a smooth and successful transfer.

Founded with the objective of offering world-class, reliable, and high-quality WordPress development services, Codeable acts as a bridge between website owners and skilled professionals, providing a platform for seamless collaboration.

Codeable offers a vast pool of pre-vetted WordPress experts who possess in-depth knowledge and experience in handling a wide range of website-related tasks. From site customization to plugin development,’s experts are well-equipped to handle all your WordPress and WooCommerce needs, including the intricate process of site migration.

Say goodbye to the headaches of site migration and let Codeable’s professionals handle the technicalities while you focus on growing your online presence. Submit your task today and experience the ease and expertise that Codeable brings to your WordPress site migration process!

This blog post features Daniel Stanojevic who is the co-founder of pixelDuo, a small development agency focusing on quality over quantity and long-term client relationships. They’ve worked with WordPress and have created countless solutions helping businesses all over the world thrive for over a decade. Since 2013, they also build web applications with the Laravel framework.

The post Transfer Your WordPress Site to Another Registrar: A Domain Transfer Guide appeared first on Codeable.

A Beginner’s Guide to WooCommerce REST API Wed, 28 Jun 2023 11:26:02 +0000 Get up and running with the WooCommerce REST API. Learn how to use the API to make requests, understand endpoints, and work with webhooks.

The post A Beginner’s Guide to WooCommerce REST API appeared first on Codeable.

Every business owner strives for smooth operations and efficient workflows. When it comes to managing an eCommerce store with many moving parts, this objective rings even truer. 

Enter the WooCommerce Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST API) a powerful tool that acts as a reliable bridge, connecting different parts of your online store like a well-designed network of roads. 

It allows smooth communication and efficient transportation of data between various components, enabling developers to easily navigate and easily manage aspects such as products, orders, and customers.

As the captain of your WooCommerce store, it is your responsibility to navigate it through rough seas and calm waters alike, keeping your products as well as customers safe. Initially, you can sail smoothly using the basic tools and plugins that WooCommerce offers. But as your business scales, you might face challenging situations where the default functionality might fall short.

The WooCommerce REST API is a nifty tool enabling you to programmatically interact with your online store. It can help you access and manipulate data, automate processes, and integrate with other software or services at your command.

This comprehensive guide aims to unlock the mysteries surrounding the WooCommerce REST API. We’ll explore what this tool is, delve into the treasure trove of benefits eCommerce businesses can reap from its usage, and provide a snapshot of how it operates under the hood. 

And if that isn’t enough, we will also guide you on the best way to dip your toes into this exciting realm!

So, tighten your seat belts and get ready to soak in the fundamentals of REST API. Plus, we also talk about how Codeable can help you leverage this tool to elevate your online store to new heights of success. 

Let’s begin!

What is the WooCommerce REST API?

Stepping into the world of eCommerce is like exploring a new city. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, finding your way around can be daunting, especially if you don’t have the right tools. 

In the cityscape of your headless WooCommerce store, the WooCommerce REST API serves as your personal GPS, assisting you in seamlessly navigating and managing your digital marketplace.

The WooCommerce REST API is a robust set of web APIs – think of them as the ‘digital talkers’ in your store’s operations. 

These ‘talkers’ allow developers to interact with your WooCommerce store programmatically. With REST API, you can create new products and product variations, update existing product IDs, manage orders, and retrieve customer data, all with a few lines of code.

If you are already familiar with WordPress, you’ll find the WooCommerce REST API comfortably familiar. It’s built on the WordPress REST API, adhering to the same principles and conventions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Here are some of the key features of WooCommerce REST API:

  • It uses the HTTP protocol, the universal language of the internet, which provides a standardized way of communicating between systems. Standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more are the verbs of this language, each carrying out specific operations on the online store’s resources.
  • It is versatile and highly customizable. Regardless of your favorite programming language or framework, be it Python, JavaScript, or others, the API plays well with them all. This wide compatibility allows developers to integrate their own applications or systems with WooCommerce stores.
  • It can also be used to build custom front-end interfaces — your store’s shop-front or to automate backend processes and behind-the-scenes operations. The API orchestrates the various components of your WooCommerce store into a harmonious symphony.

The WooCommerce REST API is more than just a tool; it’s a passport to excellent possibilities, empowering you to tailor your WooCommerce store to your unique needs and vision.

Benefits of using the WooCommerce REST API for businesses

Stepping into the realm of eCommerce can sometimes feel overwhelming. With numerous tasks to juggle, such as inventory management, customer communication, and order processing, business owners often need more support in all directions. 

This is where the WooCommerce REST API can make a significant difference, helping to streamline operations and turbocharge productivity on your WordPress website.

Here are some of the advantages of REST API for eCommerce businesses.

Automating your store

The WooCommerce REST API can automate many repetitive tasks in your online store. 

Consider the time-consuming process of order processing, keeping tabs on inventory, and communicating with customers. These tasks can be handled programmatically with the API, reducing the possibility of human error and freeing up valuable time for you to focus on more strategic aspects of your business.

For example, you can:

  • Update inventory levels automatically based on sales and stock changes 
  • Send API calls to automate emails or notifications to customers regarding order status and shipping updates
  • Automate store promotions, social media campaigns, and performance tracking tasks.

Integrating with external systems

The WooCommerce REST API acts like a universal translator in your online store, facilitating smooth conversations between your store and other external systems and keys/apps. 

From Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, to accounting software, the API creates a seamless integration, streamlining your business processes and enhancing efficiency.

For instance, you could integrate your WooCommerce data with popular platforms like QuickBooks for accounting, Salesforce for customer relationship management, or Mailchimp for email marketing. 

While we’ll discuss common external data sources and how to connect them using the WooCommerce REST API in more depth later, these examples hint at the level of integration achievable.

Accessing store data from other applications

The WooCommerce REST API helps connect your store data easily with other applications, such as custom mobile apps for your business and store performance dashboards. 

The API facilitates robust data access and manipulation, which helps you better understand your store’s performance and empowers you to make data-driven decisions, propelling your business toward success.

Managing your store’s data

Just as every business is unique, its online presence should be too. The WooCommerce REST API allows you to customize your store’s functionality without tinkering with the core code, preserving the original structure while tailoring the experience to your specific needs and requirements.

Additionally, user account management becomes a breeze with the API. Whether you’re creating, updating, or deleting user accounts, particularly for stores offering membership or subscription-based services, the API can efficiently handle these operations.

As Codeable expert Deborah Butler aptly puts it:

“WooCommerce is an extremely affordable and adaptable eCommerce solution, and with REST API it’s now easier to customize and build a store that is tailored to your requirements.”

However, it’s essential to remember that while the API is a powerful tool, it’s not a panacea for all needs. 

For instance, adding custom fields to a product via the API is possible, but not advised due to the association of metafields with specific post types. Similarly, bulk modifying product attributes/key-value pairs via the API is a viable approach, but it’s recommended only when triggering an update to products via a third-party API push or similar.

Common external data sources integrated with the WooCommerce REST API

As we have seen before, REST API can efficiently help forge seamless connections between your online store and a vast array of external data sources, enhancing your business’s efficiency, functionality, and customer experience. 

Here, we’ll explore some common external data sources that can be integrated with the WooCommerce REST API.

Payment gateways

The API can integrate popular payment gateways from PayPal to Stripe to Square with your WooCommerce store. This ensures a smooth checkout and post-checkout process, creating a hassle-free purchasing journey for your customers.

Shipping providers

Shipping and fulfillment services like ShipStation, Easyship, or Shippo act as your logistics team when integrated with your WooCommerce store. They automate shipping processes, compare shipping rates, print shipping labels, and more. This integration enables your products to reach customers promptly, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Inventory management systems

Imagine integrating your WooCommerce store with an inventory management system like TradeGecko. This alliance provides real-time inventory updates and automates order fulfillment processes, ensuring you’re always stocked up and ready to meet customer demands. Quite like having a dedicated warehouse manager for your virtual inventory, wouldn’t you say?

Accounting systems

Integrating WooCommerce with accounting systems like Xero or FreshBooks essentially lets you automate your eCommerce store’s financial wing. This setup can update sales data, track expenses, generate financial reports, save you time, and ensure accurate financial records.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

Integrating CRM systems such as HubSpot and Zoho CRM with your WooCommerce store via the API is technically equipping your business with a dedicated customer service team. This integration allows you to manage customer data, track sales leads, and automate marketing processes, ensuring you maintain strong relationships with your customers.

Email marketing platforms

Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor, when hitched to your WooCommerce store, can automate email marketing campaigns, track customer behavior, and enhance customer engagement, helping you to stay connected with your customers and foster lasting relationships.

Social media platforms

Integrating social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enables your WooCommerce store to engage in social media marketing and social selling effectively. This expands your customer reach and opens up new avenues for customer interaction and feedback.

Connecting to these external data sources using the WooCommerce REST API offers a plethora of advantages, such as:

  • Improved efficiency with the automation of business processes
  • Real-time updates that enhance customer experience
  • Access to real-time data for better insights and analytics
  • Opportunity to set up new revenue streams and growth opportunities through expanded sales channels and improved marketing campaigns
  • Better flexibility and scalability in your business operations.

However, while all of this sounds great, integrating WooCommerce REST API is quite challenging. New business owners, especially those who have a limited amount of firsthand coding experience, may find it challenging to set up REST API for their eCommerce store.

Challenges businesses face when using WooCommerce REST API and how Codeable can help

The WooCommerce REST API offers businesses significant benefits. However, it does come with its fair share of challenges. 

Understanding these challenges can help businesses anticipate potential roadblocks and better equip themselves to face them. Let’s delve into some of these challenges and see how Codeable can lend a helping hand in overcoming them.

Security management issues

The WooCommerce REST API is a treasure trove of sensitive data, including customer information and payment details. This data is invaluable, and its protection is paramount. 

With cyber threats looming large, businesses must ensure the security of their API, implementing strong authentication and authorization measures to ward off unauthorized access. 

However, fortifying your API against potential cyberattacks can be complex and requires significant technical expertise.

Technical expertise

Implementing and maintaining the WooCommerce REST API requires a fair amount of technical know-how. While the API opens up a new universe of capabilities, successfully maneuvering it necessitates understanding the underlying technology. 

Not all businesses possess the requisite knowledge in-house, requiring hiring experienced REST API developers or IT professionals, which can again be subject to budget constraints.

Performance impact on user experience 

The performance of your WooCommerce REST API can greatly impact the user experience as factors like server load, network latency, and the complexity of API requests need to be considered. Poor performance might result in slow page load times, creating friction for customers and potentially impacting sales.

Version compatibility

Much like your favorite apps receive updates, the WooCommerce REST API also evolves over time. As new features roll out, businesses may need to update their API code to leverage these enhancements. 

However, this can be particularly challenging for businesses that have extensively customized their API code.

Third-party integration

While integrating the WooCommerce REST API with other systems and platforms opens doors to greater capabilities, it can be a complex and time-consuming affair. Achieving the desired level of integration may require investment in third-party services or custom development, demanding both time and resources.

Overcoming challenges with Codeable

Facing these challenges may seem like a daunting task, but with Codeable, you’re not alone. 

Codeable is a platform that provides access to hand-picked expert WordPress developers, with a high level of proficiency. This ensures that you entrust your project to top-tier talent, saving the effort and time required to find the right developer.


Codeable’s streamlined process ensures you’re matched with your ideal WordPress developer in less than a day, helping you embark on your project without delay.

While the WooCommerce REST API can pose certain challenges, they are manageable. With the right expertise and support, such as that offered by Codeable, businesses can successfully navigate these hurdles, reaping the manifold benefits of the WooCommerce REST API.

Getting Started with the WooCommerce REST API

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of the WooCommerce REST API and the challenges that might come with it, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive into the mechanics.

Whether you’re a business owner trying to enhance your online store or a budding developer looking to expand your skills, understanding the essential concepts and basic terminology of the WooCommerce REST API will be your first step in your journey.

So let’s delve into some API documentation and start exploring the key concepts of WooCommerce REST API.

What are API Keys?

In the world of APIs, API secret keys grant you access to certain areas, allowing you to interact with specific data and functionalities. API keys are unique credentials used to authenticate the requests you make to the WooCommerce REST API. 

Think of them as your personal passcodes or digital ID cards when communicating with your WooCommerce store.

When you generate an API key, you create a unique identifier that the API can recognize. It’s like creating a custom ID card with your name, photo, and special access permissions. Once the API verifies this key, it allows you to perform certain tasks or operations based on the permissions assigned to it.

Speaking of permissions, when generating an API key, you can designate what actions the client (in this case, the person or system using the key) can perform. These permissions help control access to the WooCommerce REST API, allowing you to maintain security and manageability. 

For instance, you can generate an API key that allows the client only to read product information but not modify it. Alternatively, you can generate an API key that permits the client to create new orders but not delete existing ones.

How to Authenticate API Keys

Now that we’ve created our unique API keys, it’s time to use them. You must present your credentials to prove you have the necessary permissions to access the API.

When making a request to the API client, your API key needs to be included. This key is composed of a ‘consumer key’ and a ‘consumer secret.’ These act like your username and password respectively, and they serve to identify you (the client) and confirm that you are authorized to make the request.

Including the API key in your request can be done in several ways, and the exact method can depend on your programming language and HTTP library. Generally, you must include your API key in the Authorization header of your HTTP request.

There are three common methods used for API authentication:

  • Basic authentication: The API key is added to the request header in basic auth. The key is combined with the colon symbol and then encoded in Base64 format. It’s simple and straightforward but there are more secure methods, especially for transmitting sensitive data.
  • OAuth authentication: OAuth is a protocol that allows users to grant limited access to their protected resources (such as data or services) to other applications without sharing their passwords. It enables secure authorization and delegation of access by generating access tokens that the client application can use to access the user’s resources. OAuth is widely used to enable seamless integration between different applications and services while maintaining user privacy and control over their data. 
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication: JWT is another secure method for API authentication. JWT is a way to securely transmit information between two parties, typically a client and a server. It consists of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. The header and payload are encoded JSON objects using a specific encoding called base64url. The signature is generated by combining the encoded header, encoded payload, and a secret key using a cryptographic algorithm. Unlike other authentication mechanisms, the server not only sends the JWT to the client but also includes the signature within the JWT, allowing the server to verify the authenticity of the token later on.

The authentication method you choose depends on the needs and security considerations of your WooCommerce store. Remember that each method has its pros and cons, so it’s essential to choose the right approach based on your specific circumstances.

How to Make API Requests

Interacting with the WooCommerce REST API means sending HTTP requests to the API endpoints of your online store. These endpoints allow you to manage your store’s data, including creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting various elements. 

Let’s break down the process a bit here:

1. Choose the API endpoint

The first step is to select the appropriate API endpoint. An endpoint in the context of a REST API is a URL that represents a specific data set in your store. This could be products, orders, customers, and so forth. For instance, to interact with your product data, your endpoint URL might look something like this:

2. Construct the API request

Once you’ve identified the endpoint you wish to interact with, you need to construct an HTTP request. The type of request you create will depend on what you want to achieve. If you wish to retrieve data, use a GET request. For creating new entries, you would use a POST request, while PUT and DELETE requests allow you to update and delete data, respectively.

3. Send the API request

Having prepared the HTTP request, the next step is to dispatch it to the chosen endpoint. You need an HTTP client – a tool or program designed to send HTTP requests and process the responses. Examples of HTTP clients include software like Postman, CURL, or even a piece of software you write in a language such as Python or JavaScript.

4. Receive the API response

Once your request hits the WooCommerce server, it processes the request and sends back a response. This HTTP response is like a report card, offering details about the status of your request. It tells you whether your request was successful or not. If successful, it will also contain the requested data.

5. Parse the API response

The final step is to parse the response data. This involves taking the data (usually returned in a format like JSON) and extracting the specific pieces of information you need. JSON, being a lightweight and easy-to-read format, is straightforward to work with in most programming languages.

What are webhooks and how can you use them?

Webhooks serve as the messengers of the digital world. They are among the methods that help the WooCommerce REST API communicate with external services, allowing for real-time notifications whenever specific events occur within your store. This automates the information flow, keeping external services updated without constant manual checking. 

Let’s take a closer look at how webhooks work and how they can be used:

Understanding webhooks

Webhooks work like subscription services. When a webhook is set up for a particular event, it tells the WooCommerce REST API to send a POST request to a designated URL every time that event takes place in the store. The request carries the data related to the event in its body, enabling the receiving service to respond appropriately.

Take this typical scenario:

Suppose you have an external shipping service and you want it to be notified when a new order is created in your WooCommerce store. In this case, a webhook can be set up to trigger whenever a new order is made.

The WooCommerce REST API will send a POST request with the order details to the shipping service as soon as the order is placed. This allows the shipping service to respond swiftly, generate a shipping label, and fulfill the order.

Setting up webhooks

Webhooks can be managed and created directly via the WooCommerce REST API or the WooCommerce admin panel. To set up a webhook, you’ll need to specify the event it should respond to (like order creation or a change in product stock quantity) and provide the URL where the API should send the POST requests.

Benefits of using webhooks

Webhooks offer a powerful way to keep external services in sync with your WooCommerce store, and they bring several benefits:

  • Real-time updates: Instead of constantly polling your server for changes, webhooks provide updates as they happen. This real-time synchronization keeps your systems timely and efficient.
  • Automated processes: Webhooks automate information transfer, reducing the need for manual data entry and making business processes more streamlined.
  • Improved efficiency: By promptly triggering actions in response to events, webhooks can improve the overall efficiency of your online store.

Using webhooks in various ways can reduce manual work, improve response times, and keep everything perfectly synchronized.

Best practices for using the WooCommerce REST API

Using the WooCommerce REST API can greatly enhance your online store’s capabilities. However, to make the most of it while ensuring a secure and efficient operation, it’s essential to follow some best practices. 

These practices align with professional standards, which you can always expect when working with an experienced developer, such as those vetted by Codeable. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of them:

1. Use secure authentication mechanisms

The security of your store’s data is paramount. To prevent unauthorized access, always use secure authentication mechanisms such as OAuth 2.0 or JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authenticating API requests. These systems provide robust protection by ensuring only authorized clients can access your API.

2. Limit API access permissions

Not all users require full access to your API. By limiting permissions to only those users who need them, you minimize the potential for data breaches. Establish stringent access control policies and review them periodically to align with changing needs.

3. Use HTTPS for All API Requests

HTTPS, the secure version of HTTP, encrypts the data sent between the client and server, protecting it from tampering during transmission. Always use HTTPS for API requests to ensure secure communication.

4. Implement rate limiting

Rate limiting helps protect your server against excessive API requests and potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Limiting the number of requests a client can make in a certain timeframe can safeguard your server from becoming overwhelmed.

5. Implement Error Handling and Logging

Errors are inevitable, but with proper error handling and logging, you can promptly detect, troubleshoot, and rectify them. Effective logging helps you identify potential security threats and maintain the robustness of your API.

6. Optimize API performance

Maintaining swift and efficient API response times is crucial to the user experience. Performance optimization techniques such as caching and load balancing can significantly enhance response times and reduce server load.

7. Keep the API updated

Regular updates ensure your API maintains optimal performance and stays protected against security vulnerabilities. Always apply the latest security patches and software updates to your API.

8. Thoroughly test API changes

Even minor changes to your API can introduce new security vulnerabilities or impact performance. Therefore, it’s essential to thoroughly test any API changes before deploying them.

Following these best practices will ensure a more secure and efficient operation of your WooCommerce REST API. This not only enhances your store’s performance but also provides a safe shopping environment for your customers.

Enhance Your Store with the WooCommerce REST API

The WooCommerce REST API is a powerful tool that substantially enhances your eCommerce business. It offers the ability to integrate your WooCommerce store with various external data sources, opening avenues for automation and efficiency, improving customer experience, and fostering growth. 

Its seamless integration with payment gateways, shipping providers, inventory management systems, accounting systems, CRM systems, email marketing platforms, and social media platforms can transform how your store operates, making it more dynamic and responsive.

However, the power of the WooCommerce REST API comes with challenges. 

These challenges can appear daunting, from security concerns and the need for technical expertise to performance issues and integration complexities. But remember, you’re not alone in your journey. 

Codeable stands ready to help, offering expert WordPress developers who can help you navigate these hurdles, ensuring your WooCommerce REST API project runs smoothly.

Our expert developers are carefully vetted for their skills and professionalism, guaranteeing you top-quality service. They have vast experience in setting up and configuring the WooCommerce REST API, crafting solutions that are secure, high-performing, and tailored to your needs. 

And the process of working with Codeable is as easy as it gets — just submit your project, and we’ll match you with the right expert!

The world of eCommerce is dynamic and rapidly evolving. The WooCommerce REST API offers a way to keep pace with these changes, providing the tools you need to adapt, grow, and thrive. With the right expertise at your side, you can unlock its full potential and take your business to new heights.

Ready to embrace the potential of the WooCommerce REST API? 

Let Codeable and our expert developers be your trusted partner in this exciting endeavor!

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Why choose Codeable to hire WordPress developers over other freelance platforms? Mon, 24 Apr 2023 00:00:21 +0000 we believe that Codeable is still a “best-kept secret” from many and your default platform of choice for all your WordPress needs.

The post Why choose Codeable to hire WordPress developers over other freelance platforms? appeared first on Codeable.

There are many deciding factors when it comes to choosing a freelance platform such as Codeable, whether working with them as clients or as experts.

In this post, I will draw back the curtain of what makes Codeable unique and let you know why we believe that Codeable is still a “best-kept secret” from many and the default freelance marketplace of choice for all your WordPress needs.

A Freelance Platform of a New Kind

The Codeable story began like many stories of two aspiring creators — meeting under serendipitous circumstances and united in a common belief that together they could make a tiny dent in the universe by building something that made the world even slightly better than before. Spoiler alert: They did it.

It all began over a decade ago, in a “home office” much like the humble beginnings of Disney, Apple, Dell, Amazon, or even Nike; two creators, Per Esbensen and Tomaž Zaman, started building the framework of a dream that was Codeable.

These two co-founders shared inadequate experiences using freelance platforms (one as an expert, the other as a client). While many such marketplaces were already built and thriving, Per and Tomaž knew they could, or more accurately, that they needed to build Codeable differently, starting at its very foundation. Together they envisioned a two-sided marketplace of experts and clients with the company’s focus to be a place where they would be happy and return because of it.

Codeable was born on the foundations of being human-centric, people first, and where experts would happily produce high-quality work, and clients would constantly return.

A decade later, Co-Founder and CEO Per Esbensen reminisces:

“Many people, in the early days, told us how difficult or impossible it would be to make our dream of Codeable successful; thankfully, we proved many of them wrong.

– Per Esbensen

The Codeable Way: Trust and Quality

As Tomaž developed what would become the first version of the Codeable platform, Per worked in agencies to help support this dream. In October 2014, out of a small office in Copenhagen, Codeable was launched and officially introduced to the world.

Knowing that most startups fail, they were determined to ensure Codeable was too good to fail by ensuring its solid foundations were built more by their shared values of trust and heart than by just code.

“I think it’s important to have a clear vision and values and to stay focused on those as you grow the business. And it’s important to build a great team with people who share your vision and values. And finally, it’s important to be persistent and be patient and also to stay committed to your goals even when things get tough.”

– Per Esbensen

Today, Codeable stands tall as one of the foremost WordPress marketplaces that one can trust to offer the quality it promises.

The unique Codeable way is in a marketplace where highly vetted quality experts are chosen to join a community of peers over the battlefield of competitors.

They understood the importance of creating a healthy work environment, valuing quality over quantity, and building trust with clients in the often chaotic world of freelance marketplaces – the cornerstone of the Codeable way.

Value-Built Freelance Marketplace

Undeniably, Codeable is a platform with a surgically refined set of features created by the development team. The company’s values are conveyed even in the code and features that run the Codeable platform.

How Codeable is built as a platform, both by its feature set and people-first culture, is the defining force that has Codeable stand tallest amongst the noise of other freelance platforms.

When asked to name the top three things that are key focuses in Codeable’s success, now and in the future, Per Esbensen outlined:

  • Prioritizing people’s well-being (experts and employees) as a major factor allowing them to produce high-quality work and ultimately returning and satisfied clients.
  • Continuously striving for excellence and investing in knowledge-sharing with continuous improvement as a key quality in the expert community mindset and culture – helped along by a growing Codeable expert Academy as a primary resource.
  • Consistently enhance working relationships between experts to create even more amazing work by building high morale, and a loyal and happy culture within the expert community, which equally enhances the experience of the clients who work with us and keep coming back.

Peace of Mind

Understanding how stressful and chaotic it can be for clients and experts who have experiences on other freelance platforms, Codeable decided that peace of mind should be baked into the foundation.

These are some of the attributes of the Codeable way that aims to do just that:

  • Our experts follow a rigorous vetting process to meet the quality standard. Only about 2% of all applicants make it onto the platform, and with careful quality control, we keep only the best.
  • We offer a minimum pricing range ($80-120/hr); while offering an estimate system over the traditional bidding system (there are no price wars or bidding to the bottom). This way, experts can comfortably charge their worth, and the client can choose which fine experts to move forward with. Happy experts, happy clients.
  • Our escrow service offers peace of mind to the client and the expert; projects are funded initially and only released to the expert once the client explicitly marks the work as complete and satisfactory.
  • Professional and empathetic Codeable support agents are available whenever you need help or reassurance to ensure you and your expert achieve success together.
  • We also offer an industry-leading 28-day warranty period once the work has been delivered. Should there be any issues or concerns, our experts and support staff will ensure they are resolved according to the project scope.

The Codeable WordPress Marketplace

Codeable stands out from its competitors with its focus on quality rather than quantity, top-notch services, excellent client satisfaction rates, premium pricing models for superior quality, and global developers. Choose Codeable for peace of mind with your next WordPress project.

With highly trusted experts and a support team always eager to help you move your project forward: Codeable is your freelance marketplace of choice.

Once you consider the rare combined factors that make Codeable such a unicorn among WordPress freelance platforms – from its people-focused beginnings, its high standards of experts in its community, its culture of trust and quality, the undeniable leadership from heart by Per Esbensen, and the great clients who are equally as great as we strive to be – it becomes a fools errand finding comparable competitors.

This is why Codeable is a best-kept secret, a secret you should definitely share.

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Highlighting some of our experts for their work in 2022 Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:48:06 +0000 As we head into 2023, we wanted to highlight some of our WordPress experts that have gone above and beyond in 2022. These experts have provided phenomenal customer service and have been an integral part of our developer community. Edith Allison Edith is a full-stack developer based in Austria specializing in WooCommerce. Since joining Codeable in […]

The post Highlighting some of our experts for their work in 2022 appeared first on Codeable.

As we head into 2023, we wanted to highlight some of our WordPress experts that have gone above and beyond in 2022. These experts have provided phenomenal customer service and have been an integral part of our developer community.

Photo of Edith, wearing glasses and a blazer, smiling on a light background.
Edith Allison, full-stack developer

Edith Allison

Edith is a full-stack developer based in Austria specializing in WooCommerce. Since joining Codeable in June, she has been a wonderful addition to our community of WordPress experts. She is a regular participant in the community Slack and recently wrote vital technical documentation to share with other experts.

Photo of Ricardo, smiling and wearing a blue chambray button-down.
Ricardo Filipo, full-stack developer

Ricardo Filipo

Ricardo has been a Codeable expert since October 2021. He’s a full-stack developer and system architect, as well as a talented musician, based in the US. He is incredibly helpful to other experts on the platform and loves welcoming new experts into the community.

Studio photo of Alex, smiling and wearing a black turtleneck, on a gray background. 
Alex Belov, designer and developer

Alex Belov

Alex has been working as a designer and developer on the Codeable platform since 2015. He and his team have completed 2,839 projects! They typically work on full site builds and theme development, although they also have experience with many pagebuilders. Their services range from UX/UI design, to security, to copywriting.

Photo of Hassan outside with greenery in background, wearing a pakol with feathers.
Hassan Ali, full-stack developer

Hassan Ali

Hassan is a full-stack developer based in Pakistan. He joined Codeable in 2020 and typically works on customizations, plugin development, and troubleshooting projects. In 2022, he received 118 5-star reviews from his clients! His profile boasts an impressive list of plugins he has developed as well.

Photo of Domen outside, wearing a sweatshirt and smiling, with some plants behind him.
Domen Turek, front-end developer 

Domen Turek

Domen joined the Codeable family in March and has already completed 149 projects. Typical projects for Domen include customizations, full site builds, and theme development. But he is also happy to work on improvements to existing sites. He is very supportive of new experts on the platform and an appreciated member of our community.

Thank you to all our experts for making 2022 a great year! We look forward to seeing what 2023 has in store for us. ✨

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The pursuant and the caretaker, a sales model for success Wed, 14 Dec 2022 18:52:53 +0000 In this featured guest post, Codeable Expert Ricardo Filipo shares a sales mentality that can be used in all walks of life, but is especially useful to his role as a Codeable expert. While reading, you’ll learn about two different mentalities, one of pursuit and acquisition, while the other of caretaking and nurturing, which Ricardo refers to […]

The post The pursuant and the caretaker, a sales model for success appeared first on Codeable.

In this featured guest post, Codeable Expert Ricardo Filipo shares a sales mentality that can be used in all walks of life, but is especially useful to his role as a Codeable expert.

While reading, you’ll learn about two different mentalities, one of pursuit and acquisition, while the other of caretaking and nurturing, which Ricardo refers to as the Hunter and the Farmer mindsets.

A Hunters and Farmers mindset interpretation

Getting new customers and projects is one of the most critical jobs on Codeable. We do it with love.

We are WordPress experts. Among other activities, we participate in the company’s community, helping mates, growing the company’s roots, and working in design, coding, and fixing issues. We perform complementary activities when attending to our customers; eventually, everything revolves around projects.

Projects are the reality of our day-to-day. Our resources and money come from projects that reflect the market’s demand and demarcate what to learn and understand the society leading. 

Behind projects are customers, our wealth, and our very assets. We assemble solutions, make ideas, and turn costs into profitable investments.

Hunters and Farmers, pursuant and caretakers, aren’t enemies. They have relevant qualities and duties, natural characteristics that, if adequately merged, will succeed.

We differentiate two distinct roles in sales: 

  • Getting a project from a new customer
  • Getting a new project from a loyal customer

Hunters pursuantly close deals, while farmers retain those customers with care.

The Hunter naturally is conquering, active, responsive, intelligent, and quick. Contrarily, the Farmer behaves like a lover, attentive, hard-working, preserving, building, and protective.

Hunters are high-volume players and convert new leads. Farmers are relationship-builders and cultivate existing good customers, harvesting higher-value sales.

While a Hunter holds an agreement, a Farmer takes care of opportunities. While a Farmer cultivates a seed in fields, the Hunter finds precious plants in the forest.

1. Engaging

On Codeable, 35% of new customers arrive from organic growth. Other 65% come from partnership recommendations, our comprehensive affiliate program, and via word of mouth. 

We don’t have a cold prospect in Codeable. Almost all leads are highly qualified projects. When they arrive, such as a preferred project; a farmer’s job. When they are posted for all experts; a hunter job and we engage if it matches our expertise and schedule.

We receive the customers politely and while building their trust, understand their needs, generally by asking questions. When multiple experts engage, they collaborate, making complementary queries and valuable comments.

Codeable is not like other free-lancer platforms, with sellers disputing the customer. On Codeable there is no race to the lowest price, creating bidding warns between contractors. Our experts work in cooperation to study and attend to customer needs. 

As a team, Codeable experts work to understand the customer’s needs. The experts talk internally, discussing possible solutions for the project. This way, the customers have the perfect composition of experts. Whoever is available and closest to the client will take over the job, working in on-demand teams.

2. Understanding the Customer

Understanding and pursuing customer confidence is typically a Hunter Job. Customers sometimes don’t match our services because prices are too high or because of bid expectations, or even something else.

The expert and the customer both want to ensure they are a match.

Before the expert prepares a scope of work and estimate, the proposed solution needs to be fully understood by the customer. Quick video chats are welcome.

Consultation-style projects, where the expert and the client meet for an hour to discuss the client’s needs, are great, too, for beginning a long-lasting relationship.

Occasionally, there is more work in planning than can be provided for free. In these instances, a Discovery-style project might be the right place to begin.

Before we start, we must ensure the customer knows our company. Codeable has helpful articles about fees, price structures, agreements, payments, and all common questions. And the best resource in Codeable, the support staff, is always ready to help. 

3. The solution

Hunting job. After the discovery phase, the expert still has some persuasive work. Usually, an expert has to deliver a pitch or develop a document that highlights the prescribed solution, and perhaps a visual prototype as well must be included alongside the Estimate.

If the expert misestimates and charges a small amount, he will need to bear the costs. Any mistakes in size, price, and effort could destroy the customer’s confidence or invalidate the budget.

The hunter’s conquering mood helps the farmer’s protecting mood, offsetting the perfect deal.

4. Deal

It’s time to close the deal, describing the project, scope, and estimate.

The Farmer is a pragmatic, methodic person who concludes this phase. It requires care of details. The customer believes he made the best choice, but If payment methods or the agreement aren’t acceptable, the deal cannot progress, and the relationship cannot thrive.

5. On board, time to work!

Our master of love and care, a hard-working, dedicated, sensible Farmer, will protect and serve customers’ needs. The long or quick trip must be made comfortable and secure, and the process must be straightforward and well-explained.

Communication, transparency, and support set the new customer up in the system, helping them integrate, load, and migrate data, set up the contracted customizations, and optimize the workflow.

6. Retention and Care

The expert at Codeable works hard, like a real Farmer in the fields, to cultivate the growing seeds, turning them into valuable fruits and vegetables for the client.

Customer retention involves constant interactions like periodically answering solutions questions, helping customers facing challenges, or performing regular account reviews.

It’s natural for Farmers providing them happiness and an extraordinary experience.

7. Renewing the Care

Farmers meticulously will know customers’ contracts expiring and will gladly help to renew them on time. The Codeable partners depend on the experts to maintain their customers and vice-versa.

Periodically, as a Farmer planting seeds, the expert will help the customer grow this business by proposing new tools and new profitable solutions. This virtuoso partnership will make both enjoy excellent harvesting.

Our duty in Codeable is to help customers. Our endeavor lead to making customers happy so they will return and everybody will enjoy the goods.

In closing…

We lead to growth with our customers, partners, and experts. We are proud to have a big heart and evolve as humans. We are Hunters, Farmers, and also Pursuant and Caretakes for a better planet.

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How Do I Find Women Developers in The WordPress Community? Mon, 11 Jul 2022 16:47:07 +0000 If you are looking to hire talented women developers for your next project, please visit our developer directory where you can easily discover and quickly hire expert WordPress talent that is right for you. Did you know that according to a recent survey hosted by, women represent almost 25% of all WordPress users? It’s […]

The post How Do I Find Women Developers in The WordPress Community? appeared first on Codeable.


If you are looking to hire talented women developers for your next project, please visit our developer directory where you can easily discover and quickly hire expert WordPress talent that is right for you.

Did you know that according to a recent survey hosted by, women represent almost 25% of all WordPress users? It’s true. Additionally, according to a survey hosted by the United States Department of Commerce in 2021, women-owned firms make up almost 20% of all firms in the US?

Here at Codeable we are not strangers to the economic power that women hold. In fact, we frequently receive requests from clients who want to work with other talented women –  whether they are programmers, designers, or agency owners.

Can We Recommend Specific Women Developers According to Your Needs?

Here at Codeable we are more than happy to help recruit women developers for your next technical project.

Please send our support department a message using the chat icon at the bottom, right-hand side of your screen and mention that you are being referred by this blog article.

One of our support agents (who will typically respond within the hour) will assess your project needs and recommend several great women candidates for your project.

Serving Diversity through Community

Did you know that Codeable supports a community of over 700 senior WordPress developers who are ready to help your business succeed?

We understand that as our talent base grows, we will be continuously presented with opportunities to support various demographics and their communities. One of the ways we are approaching community with our women developers is through our Women of Codeable program.

What is Women of Codeable?

Women of Codeable is a program for our talented female experts. We offer private groups, chatrooms, as well as weekly hangout sessions for team bonding that builds long-lasting friendships.

If you are a woman in the WordPress space and you believe your skillset and client management experience places you into the top-tier of WordPress developers, then we invite you to apply to become a WordPress expert here at Codeable.

All of our women here have earned their position through their exceptional talent. They join the ranks of the top 3% of applicants who make it onto the Codeable platform.

The Women of Codeable

Take a look at a few of our outstanding and successful Codeable experts below. 

Debora Butler: Frontend Developer and Women of Codeable member.
Meher Bala: Frontend Developer and Women of Codeable member.
Keryn van der Dijken: Full-Stack Developer and Women of Codeable member.
Rakela Roshi: Full-Stack Developer and Women of Codeable member.
Filipa Teixeira: Frontend Developer and Women of Codeable member.
Amy Cole: Full-Stack Developer
Kate Bugay: Designer and Developer

If you think one might be right for your project, click their hire button and you will be on your way to receiving a risk-free estimation to complete your WordPress project.

The post How Do I Find Women Developers in The WordPress Community? appeared first on Codeable.

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